083. "don't act like it was hard"

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31:07 ─❁────────── 31:80

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She said you were a hero

You played the part


          "WELCOME BACK, MISS DIFIORE," GREETED Professor Dumbledore, as Lucia emerged from the bright green flames of his fireplace.

It'd been a few days since the holidays started, and before she was to went off to the Burrow, she had opted to spend her birthday with the only family she had left. But as she arrived back in the office of the headmaster, it had seemed that he had been waiting for her arrival as she saw her belongings resting lonesomely in the middle of the office.

"Ah, thank you, Professor," said Lucia in a slight daze, clutching her purse tightly. She approached her trunk, examining if all her belongings were there. "I see all my stuff is here,"

"Naturally" said Dumbledore. "I have asked Miss Granger to help gather your clothes, and for Harry to bring your dear little friend along with them to the Weasleys after your abrupt leave,"

"I apologise for that," she sighed solemnly, making her way to the phoenix that was perched up near the headmaster's desk. A small smile made its way to her lips as she let the phoenix nibble on her finger. "When I got to know that I have permission to visit and stay with my mum for a few days, I just couldn't resist it and forgot about packing my stuff for the Burrow..."

Dumbledore stared attentively at the girl as she played with his phoenix companion. "That's all right. How was... Rose, was it?"

Lucia nodded dazingly, admiring the phoenix. "She... she's getting better, I guess. She can utter a full sentence now, so that's improvement," she said distractedly. "Say, Professor, where did you get this guy?"

"Ah, you mean Fawkes," said Dumbledore smilingly in a wise manner. "If you're curious because you want to find one like him and save them, I advise you to not. It is not easy to obtain and care for a phoenix,"

"I'm well aware, but I've always wanted to meet a phoenix..."

"No matter what you say, I will not tell you how I got Fawkes,"

She huffed defeatedly. "Bummer," she said, before detaching her attention from Fawkes to the shabby hat. "I'm guessing that's my ride to the Weasleys?"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now