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uh bathroom sex, theyre in college for ur info(20), enemies having sex, flirting/teasing, fingering, begging, praising n degrading, rough sex, dirty talk during sex, a virgin x nonvirgin, hardcore shit, mommy kink, multiple orgasms bc yeah, dildo, strapon(ofc), vibrator, turning gay, blindfold, and uh.. idk ends kinda funny💀

word count: 3640
also cw mentions of the f slur only once!!

Kpop fan: Ava
Dsmp fan: Louise

as always yall know the rules and so do i!! dont harass anyone or fetishize lesbians pls this is all satire, im lesbian myself so dw <33
requests open bc yes

so yeh enjoy

i will never be able to accept the fact that im willing to write shit like this


Louise was sick and tired of everything. Her worst enemy keeps annoying her. She's clingy, always calling Louise shit like "darling", "dream stan", and other stuff just to tease her and to form some sort of sexual tension between them, when really, they wouldn't hesitate to tear eachothers chest open. As if she isn't a fucking kpop stan... Ew. Now her classmates ship them. Enough is enough.

Louise's worst enemy, you've guessed it, it's fucking Ava.

She quickly ran into the girls bathroom, putting her hands on the sink and panting for air. She was going to write a letter to Ava and put it in her locker during second break. She put her bag down and pulled out a piece of paper. She took a marker and started writing:

Dear Ava, you piece of fucking shit.

You are the worst fucking person to exist, I fucking hate you. Since ever we were babies in kindergarden, I fucking hated you. You fucking suck. Since ever you randomly were a fucking asshat to me when I didn't do shit wrong, I fucking despised you. I know you fucking hate me too, that's the entire point. And I swear to fucking everything, this letter isn't even a hate letter. It's a letter to fucking tell you ONE fucking thing. Stop calling me fucking pet names and always fucking purposely teasing me or I'll

Her writing was stopped by Ava turning her around. "And why's that I shouldn't call you those names and shouldn't tease you, hm? Why's that, dreamie stan? Too scared to even confront me about it? You're a pussy.,,

"First off, where the fuck did you come from, and second, shut the fuck up you fucking asshole. Shut your fucking mouth. I can confront you, it's just—,,

She got stopped. Ava was partially annoyed but also amused at the fact the girl was this angry to cuss this much. But Ava layer her finger over Louise's lips, shushing the girl so that she could finally say something without someone swearing at her.

"Answer to your first question, I came running after you to ask you something, but that's whatever. And second answer, maybe it's because I'm too hot for you to look at me?,,

She said sarcastically, giggling. Louise growled, pushing Ava with a rough and heavy force. The girl tightened her fists, angrier than anything now. She was completely angry now. Not only did her enemy find her doing all this which she did not plan on, but now she would deal with the bickering between them that was just about to start.

"No! You're fucking ugly as fuck, shut up.,,
"Darling don't be like that, aren't you the one always complaining about my looks~? It's like you're jealous.,,
"Tch. You're jealous and wanne be like me, just admit it.,,
"Shut your fucking mouth, you typical annoying kpop stan.,,
"Make me, dream stan.,,
"I said.,,

Ava grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her close,

"Make me.,,

Lousie couldn't say anything, really. She was too stunned to speak. She kept silent and gulped. She didn't wanna do anything. What the fuck, she thought to herself. Why was this bitch doing this to her? But Ava grinned at the girl once again, completely amused in an annoying manner.

genshin x kpop x dsmp fan wlw smut bc yall are the most fruity, fucking gayest..Where stories live. Discover now