chapter 1

24 3 10

heeeey. lmao how do I do this again?

fuck this is so cringe dude, anyways,
the name's Tommy and im the biggest man ever and if u disagree ur tranphobic so suck on that bitch.

my school counselor recommended that i need a therapist or something, which by the way is bullshit, im totally okay and i do not need help. plus i cant tell my dad that I need help he'll think I'm weak or something (WHICH I'M NOT).

anyways i was scrolling through tiktok and i saw someone do this and i thought why not, so here we are, which is kinda ironic considering the fact that for as long as ive been alive ive found the idea of keeping a diary stupid but people change right? thats some bullshit Wilbur or my friend Ranboo would say, pricks both of them, they think they're so smart and cool and shit, well they're not (especially not Wil, fuck him and his stupid guitar, the only reason he started playing it was to impress a girl which im pretty sure doesnt even know he exists.)

ayyyyy wait no no no no im not gonna waist my precious time writing about those wronguns, thats just sad, which im not, because big men like me DO NOT GET SAD. anyways this is like the beginning of my diary or some shit like that, now if you'll excuse me i have big man things to do like annoy my older brother and his stupid friend who only wears NEON GREEN HOODIES, LIKE WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM,OH DID I MENTION HE CALLS HIMSELF DREAM ?! D R E A M .
hes so stupid.

Diary Of A Freshman With |ZERO| Problems [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now