Chapter 14

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Events transpired rapidly after Owen and Ava had realized their deadly error. Owen kicked the sangstone into his backpack, handed the bag to Ava, and scooped Lucas ever so gently up in his arms, making his six-foot frame seem weightless. Ava called for the Lifetree to lend her its roots one last time and they rose out of the ground like snakes coiling up towards a charmer's song. As the tree shuddered with a last gasp of life, Owen and Ava grabbed hold of its roots for a final jolt of energy for the long journey ahead of them.

With Lucas's wound barely closed, travelling by water was not an option. But they needed to get south quickly, where the heat would be less debilitating, and they would be better able to defend the unconscious Lucas. They both felt the terrible burden of his life and it forced them to act quickly.

As they ran, birds raced overhead, spreading the news throughout the forest, and a cacophony of life kicked up through the treetops as all manner of creatures hissed, howled, and clicked encouragement.

"I can feel the questions burning in your mind, Ava. Save your guilt until you know exactly how much of it you should feel. Trust me. Lucas can explain more when he wakes up and there's no point wasting your energy until then." After a pause, Owen added reassuringly, "He will wake up."

No words were spoken but Ava could feel the shifting alliance like she felt a sudden change in the wind, blowing her hair in the opposite direction. Owen was with them—there was a triangle where once there had been a pair. As long as Lucas could ever forgive her for doubting him.

Although they couldn't travel by water, they hugged the coast, where they found some relief from the brutal heat wave sweeping Australia. And then as dusk was falling on their second night on the run, Ava heard the best words of her life.

"Ah, the elusive Ares-Gaia bromance—what a beautiful thing," Lucas whispered, his voice hoarse, before nestling his head even deeper into Owen's chest from where he was being cradled in the Gaia warrior's arms. "I can see what you like about him, Ava," he said, poking a finger at one of Owen's biceps with an impish grin.

Owen stuttered to a halt, brows furrowed, before breaking into a wide grin. The Gaia warrior laughed, saying, "Cheeky little bugger, aren't you?" Although it was not clear exactly who he was calling little. Now that Lucas was no longer hanging limp in Owen's arms, the two were essentially the same height and girth.

"This is an image I will treasure for the rest of my life," Ava said, before gesturing Owen over to a tree. There he carefully set Lucas on the ground, propping him in a sitting position with his back against the trunk.

Owen and Ava hovered over Lucas, looking rather like a set of confused puppies.

Lucas studied the pair of them, rolled his eyes, and asked, "What does a guy have to do to get some water around here?"

Both Owen and Ava moved to grab the bottle from the backpack and bumped into each other. Blushing, Owen gestured at Ava that she should have the honor. She grabbed the bottle, unscrewed the cap and handed it to Lucas. Her outstretched hand stayed for a few seconds after Lucas had weakly grasped the canteen from her, as if she were proffering an invisible olive branch. The two Gaia warriors watched Lucas take slow sips, neither of them speaking. When the silence dragged on, Lucas spoke again, "I'm guessing from the tender moment Captain Planet and I shared earlier this evening," Lucas paused to wink at Owen, before continuing, "that you've decided I'm not the enemy."

"I'm so sorry—"

"Bad intel—" Ava and Owen blurted out, talking over one another.

Lucas looked surprised at their hurried apologies. "Why?"

"Erm. The whole scorpion, paralysis, knife-waving thing?" Owen murmured, blushing.

"Well I knew it wasn't personal," Lucas replied. He turned to Ava, saying, "I kind of deserved it. I lied to you. It just wasn't as big of a lie as you thought."

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