Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

*My POV*

After like 30 minutes in the shower and non stop crying, I got out of the shower and changed into this ( I finally got the courage to walk out, and downstairs. I didn't say nothing to anyone. I headed towards the door and opened it.

"Where are you going, Gen?" Bradley asked.

"Umm, just for a walk." I said and faintly smiled.

"By yourself?" He asked. I heard the worriedness in his voice.

"Umm.. Yeah." I said.

"Oh, okay. If you need me, umm someone, you can text any of us, okay?" He said and I nodded. I walked out, walking with no direction. I was freezing, but I didn't pay attention to the cold. I walked towards a cafe on a corner of the street, and I found Tristan and his girlfriend.

"Hey Gen." He said and walked towards to me with his girlfriend.

"Hey Tristan." I replied.

"This is my girlfriend Mairim. Babe, this is Gen, Melody's best friend." Tristan said.

"Hi." She said and smiled.

"Hello." I replied and smiled back.

So, Gen. what are you doing here by yourself?" Tristan asked.

"Just, wanted to go out for a walk. Explore London." I lied.

"Ohh. Cool. We were just going to Brad's house. Wanna come with us?" He said.

"Umm, no, it's okay. I'll be there later. Have fun." I said and walked away. I checked my phone and I got a text from Nick.

"Are you ok? :) xx


"Yeah. :') xx" I replied and started heading towards Melo's house. When I got there, they were laughing and having fun. So I didn't go inside, and just sat on the staircase on the balcony. I heard the door open but I ignored it.

"Hey." I heard someone say. Brad. He sat next to me and looked down, like i was.

"You okay?" He asked as he put his hand on my knee and I swear my heart stopped. A rosey red crept on my cheeks as he reached for my hand.

"Yeah, I guess." I said.

"Why the 'I guess'?" He asked.

"I had a sort of fight with your sister, and I don't know if she's mad at me or not. She's probably even more mad now." I said as the words she had told me echoed repeatedly in my mind.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

"Nothing, it's okay." I replied and gave him a fake smile.

"If you say so. Let's go inside." He said as he stood up and offered me his hand.

"Good because I'm freezing." I said as I grabbed his hand and stood up. We stayed there for a while, considering the help he had given me to stand up, had brought us to be centimetres from each other's faces.

"I umm.." He said as he slowly moved away and his cheeks were a slightly red colour which made me smile. He smiled as well and we walked inside. Melo was cuddling with James, Mairim was asleep on Tristan's chest, and Jesse (Brad's dog) was laying on the couch.

"Umm... where are we gonna sit?" I asked.

"I'll move Jesse out of the way. " He said and he picked her up. I bit my lip and sat down on the couch and he sat next to me. Brad put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I looked over to my right, and looked at Melo, who was nodding and smiling, I suppose it was in agreement. I smiled and cuddled with Brad while we were watching Pitch Perfect. It turned out to be a really good day after all, I think. We were watching the movie, when my phone went off. I checked and it was a text from Melody. She was sitting right next to me, why text me?

*text convo*

M: You look cute, but I still have to think about the dating thing. xx

G: You know this 'xx' doesn't mean the text won't seem a little bit mean. I'm not the one to talk about that. You should talk to your brother, instead.

M: Okay then. I'll talk to him now. and Gen?

G: Yeah?

M: I'm sorry.

G: I accept your apology.

M: Yay :') x

G: LOL x

*text convo ended*

The movie was over, so Brad stood up, so he could change it.

"What movie do you guys want to watch?" He asked as he sat on the floor looking for movies.

"I don't know whatever you want." Tristan said.

"Brad let's watch Back To The Future." Melo said.

"Let's watch the McFly Radio: ACTIVE tour." Brad said as he played the DVD and headed back to the couch. He laid his head on my lap and pressed play to the movie. I started smiling like an idiot and then I realised he was looking up at me.

"Why are you smiling?" He asked and smiled.

"i really don't know. I'm just happy." I said and smiled.

"Oh ok." He said and moved his head to the side so he could see the TV. My phone went off again and I was hoping it was Nick, Adam, or mom, but it was Melody.

*text convo*

M:Gen, wanna know something? x

G: Umm sure. x

M:Touch his hair. He likes it xx

G: I'm not gonna do it...

M: Why????????? >.<

G: Because it's gonna be awkward, and you don't want me to date him, so why are you "helping" me?

M: I thought you forgave me for that.

G: I did, but you said you had to talk to him, so yeah.

M: I'll talk to him tomorrow, I promise. Now do what I told you. ;P

G: -.- Fine xD

M: Come on, you know you want to. You always told me you did. ;) xx

G: Well, yeah.. now shhhh xD

*text convo ended*

I looked over at the TV while McFly was playing 'Obviously', I started playing around with Bradley's soft curls, making me smile. Everything was silent. So silent, that it kind of got awkward.

"Can we do something? I'm getting bored!!!" Tristan yelled, waking James up and Mairim as well.

"What do you wanna do?" Brad asked.

"I don't know. Let's play truth or dare. EVERYONE WAKE UP!" Tristan yelled as he started jumping around.

"Fine Tristan, we'll play truth or dare." Melo said and we all sat on the floor.

"how about, spin the bottle?" Tristan said and winked.

"Nope." I said, nodding my head.

"Okay well truth or dare." James said as he put his arm around Melody and she slightly blushed. I smiled at her and raised my eyebrows at her and she stuck tongue out at me.

"Okay, I'm gonna ask first. This is for Brad." James said. "Bradley, truth or dare?"

"Umm. Truth?" He replied.

"Do you like Gen?"


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