bathroom floor

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okie I'm not sure what age they're supposed to be according to bella right now but I'm going to make this clear. Ollie is 16, lucky is 15 turning 16, Dan is only just 15 and the new character later on in this chapter is 16 turning 17 but got kept down so he's in lucky and ollies grade okie? This is just so the book makes more sense pictures of what Dan would look liek ☆karou

"Distatch! DISTATCH!!"

I screech loudly at Ollie, who had tackled me to the ground upon enhance to my room, as we roll around on the cold Grey tiles.
"Neva!! Not until you declare me king of ba-narnia!" He declared sitting on my back pinning my head and arms down. "Ohay
Ohay! Wou are kingf off bana-narnia nao ghet off!" I mumble back quickly not wanting to endure this situation any longer.
" yaaaaaass bitch nao get dressed looser were going on a trip!" Ollie half shouted as he walked to his room across from mine.
I start getting dressed not questioning ollies craziness any further. After changing into a dress I got from off ya tree I walk into
Ollies room and plug in our ghd wonderland hair straightener. " we're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship" I start singing
Smiling as I glance over at Ollie who looks at me as we finish the song " flying through the sky! . . . LITTLE EINSTEINS!".

we both break out in laughter as I turn off the straightener and we head out the door to ollies car.
"So. . . " I say looking over to Ollie as he starts the car "where are we really going?" I finish the question plugging in Ollies ipod
Starting up one of his random playlists. Ollie bites his lip tapping on the steering wheel as we stop at a red light "well y know
Link from school?" He says almost guiltily glancing over at me as the light turns green.
" yeah we have like three classes with him Duh of course I do he's kinda an ass" I say changing the song to perfect weapon.
"Well I kinda may or may not have hit it off with him at zaks party?" Ollie cringes saying this looking at me. I turn around to
face him "What the heck?!? Ollie. . . Wait! What about Cain I thought you two had a thing?" I blurt at him surprised he was
Fucking a druggo instead of the guy he's had a crush on since 7th grade.

"Well Cain went off and fucked blair so I left the party and link found me and took my drunk ass home so I wouldn't die of
Something totally stupid and stuff happened" Ollie rushed to explain. I look at him shocked "so he took advantage of you and
Now you're fuck buddies?" I look out my window crossing my arms. I didn't mean to be so harsh with Ollie it's just the fact that
He didn't tell me sooner. "Lucky it's not like that we were friends before that! He's dans older brother you know I wouldn't let
Some random guy fuck me and just be friends! I made the move on him anyways " Ollie blurted at me tears forming in his eyes
As he pulled over. I look at Ollie and pull him into a hug "I'm sorry olliepopkins" I pat his hair as his sniffles start to stop. He sits
Back in his seat and starts driving again.

"Wait so we're going to links house?" I ask totally confused as to why this whole conversation just happened.
"Yeah he invited us over for lunch and shit he has a pool too so I packed swimmers" Ollie motioned towards the back seat
which had several cans of monster and a duffel bag with towels sticking out. I nod in reply turning the music up as the start of
Perfect weapon plays through the speakers. "Here's to your perfect weapon" Ollie starts singing winding down the front windows
Lighting up two smokes and passing me one. "Cracked bones with blind aggression" I sing back to ollie taking a drag.

sexxy llama time skipp in our favorite rocket ship flying through the sky ! little Einsteins!☆

I put out my smoke as Ollie pulls into a drive way. "Fuck Dan hurry up they're already here" I hear a shout from inside the house
And smile to myself unplugging ollies ipod and hopping out of the car. We walk up to the front door after Ollie grabs his creepy ass
Black murderous looking duffel bag. "Hey babe! We're here " Ollie shouts walking through the house to what seems to be the
lounge room with about the biggest flat-screen I've ever laid my eyes on. Link walks in wrapping his arms around ollies waist
Giving him a peck on the lips. "Eww my poor virgin eyes" I say flatly as link jumps back from Ollie unaware of my presence causing
Ollie to break out in a light blush. "Oh hey! Lucky right ? we've got art together. . ha ha welcome to my humble abode" link shakes
my hand scratching the back of his dyed black mop of hair twisting his lip ring.

" Oh my glob don't act as if I walked in on you butt naked or anything ha haha. I was joking and yass I am your queen lucky.
bow down to me peasant I must knight thee before you date my daughter" I laugh out watching as links face turns a shade of
crimson. "Oh my gee lucky don't be a dick" Ollie whines at me like a two year old rummaging through the duffel bag of mysteries
And handing me a towel and my bikini. "Go get your skinny little ass dressed were going in the pool" Ollie says pulling out his own
Board shorts and towel. "Upstairs third door on the left" link says pointing to the stairs "it's the guest room you can change in there".

I take my so called skinny little ass upstairs and get changed into my sailor moon bikini I wore for a halloween pool party last year
I start to head back down the hallway until a door opens and hits me straight in the face I drop to the ground holding my forehead.
"Oh my shit! I'm so sorry are you okay?" A voice asks helping me up as I hear footsteps come up the stairs. "Uh yeah I'm f-fine" I say
Starting to stutter when I look up and see that the voice was Dan. All of a sudden I felt so much more uncovered standing here in front
Of Dan who only has boardies on in his bathroom doorway only in my bikini. I went to take a step back but slipped
"Hey lucky! Are you okayyyyyyyy?" Ollie shouted enthusiastically as him and link reached the top of the stairs just as I landed on
Dan sprawled on his bathroom floor.

"ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! !" Dan and I shout in unison sitting up and distatching ourselves from each other.
Both Ollie and link burst out in laughter as my cheeks burst out in flames. " hahaha *wheze* hey l - lucky haha omg your face"
Ollie huffed out " haha omg haha yeah lucky don't act as if we walked in on you butt naked or anything haha good job Dan" link added.
This was going to be a long day "Oh my glob haha we slipped guys" I stood up adding onto the joke hoping I wasn't blushing too much.
That's when I heard probably the most amazing thing ever. I looked over at Dan as he broke into a fit of giggles.

"the butt naked part isn't true" Dan looked at his brother then at me standing up leaning against the sink."but . . ." He smirked looking
around taking a breath he sang out "picture this we were both butt naked banging on the bathroom floor" He smirked as me as Ollie giggled
And link shook his head I smiled punching him in the arm and walking out and started running down the stairs but stopped on the second
last oneAs the boys started down the stairs. I smirked opening my mouth and sang back up them "wasn't me" I heard giggles from upstairs.
I headed through the house until I got lost around the kitchen looking for the back door "god this place is huge" I thought out loud.
Then all of a sudden there was hands over my eyes "she even had me at counter". The hands disappeared as I looked behind me I saw
Dan dash out what seemed to be the back door.

"Wasn't me" I played along singing back smirking as I got out the door and nobody was there. Two hands grabbed me from behind
Picking me up and next thing I know I'm on a lounge on the deck near the pool. I looked around and couldn't see dan, link or Ollie
Anywhere until Dan flopped on the couch next to me smiling. "She even had me on the sofa" He sang out then pulling out one of those
Polaroid camera's taking a picture with me "she even got me on camera" He stood up shaking the film and handing it to me jumping
in the pool as Ollie and link came out. I put the picture down diving into the pool after him.

"You don't give up do you?" I asked Dan pushing my hair back into a ponytail.

"Not for girls who one: tell me that I should speak more two: fall all over me in my bathroom and three: for girls I like"

☆just don't ask I don't even know this chapter is weird as fuck but whatevs I'm trying to post before school goes back and I cant☆
♡vote comment and fangirl as much as you want♡
☆ karou ☆

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