unwanted chapter 3

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~ just so you know from now on this is karou bella said i could add to her story as long as she likes it soo yeah~

luckys pov:

I tried to open the door quietly so my parents couldn't hear me but being the old rusty fucker it is it screeched like a banshee.

i walked inside cautiously into the dark kitchen that stank like unwashed dishes and alcohol. ill have to clean this later i mentally sighed dropping my bag. Im actually surprised im not on the floor yet why is it so quiet? maybe they're not home yet, maybe theyre high as fuck and passed out somewhere oh please whatever god out there that i don't believe in please tell me that my parents overdosed on someting.

i quickly and quietly tried walking up the creaky ass stairs but failed as on the last step my foot fell through my other foot already on the stair above i face planted right infront of my parents room. " ah fuck" i groaned quietly pulling myself up. I was just about to head to my room at the end of the hall when my parents bedroom door swung open slowly. I stood as still as possible hoping that nobody in the dark abyss filled with smoke and alchoholic fumes could see me.

I stood still for what felt like an eternity holding my breath as my heartbeat spead up. finally i could see a dark figure arise in the void of a room i gasped and tried to run to my bedroom but it was too late i had been caught by the arm. " and where do you think youre going little slut". I heard my fathers slurred voice as he held onto my arm tightly so tight fresh cuts started to open. I winced in pain and fear hoping he would let me go just this once but no that wouldnt happen. " n-nowhere" I stuttered back looking at the monster beehind me.

He chuckled "is that right?" he murmured bringing his face close to my ear as he had my arm twisted behing my back in a lock "because it looked like you were running to your bedroom to go cut yourself again like a little fag" he spat at me throwing me harshly at the wall then coming over and kicking me in my side repetedly as i heard my ribs crack i cried out in pain "please!" i pleaded. Even though i knew i shouldnt i cried giving him satisfaction only making him kick me more.

"Thats it slut cry and beg like you want it because you're a whore just like your mother out fucking guys to pay for your school fees and your clothes" he growled picking me up and throwing me in his room I whimpered my whole body felt like it was on fire. its never been this bad before i thought curling up in a ball as my father walked around the room " me and your mother give you so much you know" he said taking a swig of beer from one of many bottles " and you go to school and ruin it all!" he exclaimed going through several drawers searching for something. he turned around holding a gun

"maybe you shouldnt go to school anymore" he loaded bullets into the gun then cocked it. no I cant die I dont want to not by him killing me anyways I just can't let him kill me I panicked sitting against the window on the beds headboard "maybe you should die" he said then he shot twice.

and I was falling

I hit the ground my ears rang and blood was pooling my shoulder hurt like a bitch I looked up at where I fell from and saw my dad gun in his hand against his temple aand i watched as he pulled the trigger presumably to kill himself and leave me to bleed out on the driveway. and i belived it this is my death i thought and smiled happily closing my eyes and sinking into cool darkness

and cool death

~omfg that took forever to type on my shitty ass phone anyways ITS NOT OVER!! SPOILLER ALERT luckys not dead yet anyways plz vote comment and give me feedback i still dont have a plot for the story im kinda just rolling along with it oh and sorry for any spelling errors my phhone does not have auto correct and im too lazy to read over this again vote fan comment ~karou

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