Prisoner of Thoughts

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"What do you mean why not?" Serenity felt her throat tighten. "Shouldn't it be obvious?" Of course, she didn't think it would be evident that Sirius was the authentic Sirius Black either, yet Peggy either figured it out or was wholly absorbed with going along with the apparent game that was going on. Which Serenity wouldn't put it past her sister to do such childish things? "You're not supposed to change the future! You know!"

"Says who?"

"Says everybody in fandom?"

"What is this fandom, and who is this everybody I can talk to?" Sirius said, frowning, as if—

"He's an idiot, and I don't like him." He did, after all, accuse her of projecting her dislike for an autistic sibling onto him, yet—when she read the books, she got how he disliked his younger brother. "After all, he called Regulus an idiot, and he said he hated his entire family."

Yet, there was the fact he'd just said there were exceptions to that rule of hating the entire family. She shook her head, her arms crossed. "He can't change the future. He..."

"It's his choice, not yours, but if I were him..." Peggy turned to look at the screen and pushed the play button on the remote.

Serenity took a deep breath, hating how Peggy didn't finish the conversation, remembering something Sarah said to her. "Listen, Serenity. If Peggy stops a sentence halfway through during an argument, it is her way of saying she wants to finish the argument. You pushing the issue after she does that just escalates things, but you've got to control you."

"You mean to say that Peggy doesn't have to learn to control herself because it's too much of a hassle."

"No. That's not what mom and I are saying. It's not fair of you to expect her to control behavior that's brought upon by your own behavior, particularly since you're the older sister."

Serenity glared, feeling that Sirius would likely say the same thing, despite his lousy relationship with his younger brother. And she knew it was awful, watching him sit there, engrossed with yet obviously not at all liking the movies. Then—

"Wait a sec. He admitted they didn't get along, but did he say he cares about his brother despite not getting along? That doesn't make sense. Aren't those contradictions?"

She brushed it aside, wishing there was something else to do other than watching Sirius not make any more comments during the first two movies, even though there were obvious things that bothered him. And then—

"Are you kidding me!"

"Why am I not surprised?" Serenity said, only to receive a full-on glare from Sirius. "What?"

"I would never have betrayed James and Lily! Never in a million years!"

"We know that."

"Yeah. It's revealed at the end of the third movie and the end of the third book," Peggy said.

"So, effectively, you were convicted for something you didn't do simply because you're a moron," Serenity said.

"Excuse me?" Sirius said, glaring at her.

"Well, you're the one who went on a rampage like a madman and got yourself into the situation that would lead to you being falsely accused! And if you hadn't, you could have cared for Harry, although the standing theory in fandom is that you'd have been a horrible parent to him!"

"You!" Sirius clenched his hands together. "Take that back."

"Molly Weasley agrees," Peggy said. "But that has to do with the fact you were still on the run because the ministry didn't believe Harry or Dumbledore or Remus when the truth came out."

"Oh. I remember!" Serenity slammed her hand down into her hand. "She said you were using Harry as a replacement for James! And how immature that was, for someone who's..."

She couldn't figure it out. How old Sirius would be at the time. Peggy did. "Thirty-five."

"So now you're both ganging up on me?"

"It's not your fault," Peggy said, frowning at him only for him to glare back. As usual, Peggy, her autistic self, was not phased by the glow. "You're still a fugitive, but it must have been hard on you mentally. That said..." Peggy turned to look at the screen. "It wouldn't be a good idea for you to gain custody of Harry?"

"Excuse me?" Sirius said, obviously angry, though not to Peggy.

"What?" Serenity's eyes blinked. "What are you going on about?"

"The blood protection. Dumbledore said so by living with the Dursley family, Lily's sister's home..."

"Everybody in fandom says..." Serenity interrupted Peggy, only for someone else to interrupt her.

" would extend the protection allowed because Lily sacrificed herself," Sirius muttered.

"That can't be right!" Serenity swallowed. "Everyone in fandom..."

"Who is this fandom?"

"Millions of people worldwide who read Harry Potter" was Peggy's input.

Which thankfully made Sirius' jaw drop as Serenity finished what she'd been trying to say. "As I said, everyone in fandom thinks it's some kind of tactic for Dumbledore to keep him under his control, that he had to have placed some kind of protection, that it was a hoax."

"It's not."

Serenity stared, looking right at Sirius Black, who now glared at her. "Say what?"

"Its blood magic, some of the strongest known. Something we don't know how to explain, but as a Black—unfortunately—I am fully aware of that kind of stuff. It's drilled into my head from a young age what that means. Fuck them."

"Language!" Peggy said a little too loudly.

And Sirius put on the charm for her. "Sorry. My bad. Proper ladies like yourself shouldn't hear such language."

"And now you're fine acting like a proper gentleman, Mr. Black?" Serenity said.

Sirius glared, obviously catching onto the context of what she said. To which he stuck out his tongue in a very ungentlemanlike manner.

"I don't like you, Sirius Black."

"Funny..." Peggy tilted her head.

"And I don't like you."

"I thought everybody in fandom has a crush on his character, or so you like to say."

Sirius now looked at her, absolutely mortified, while she also felt mortified. She turned her head. "Just! Go back to your movies! Everyone in fandom does have a crush on Sirius because of his looks, not because he has a pleasant personality! And I'm finding that a major turn-off."

And she was sure, when Peggy wasn't looking, that Sirius gave her the middle finger, proving just how immature he was.

"Plus, there's a difference between swooning over the actor who plays his character and swooning over how he is in fanfic, compared to swooning how he is in real life. Not that Peggy would get that."

Are You Sirius? (Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now