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"Oh Tommy~" A familiar voice sings, "Please stop running."

My heart was pounding inside my chest, I just hoped the monsters didn't hear it. Sneaking through the trees I made sure I was out of view before sprinting through the darkness and to freedom.

Was it a safe, thought out idea that would save him? Probably not but it's better then being stuck with the monsters any longer after learning about what they've been doing.

I was lost and thought, and the sound of my heart beating distracted me, I wasn't able to see the rope before it was too late. The next thing I knew I was dangling in the air upside down by my foot.

Reaching up, I used my pocket knife to cut at the rope to try and free myself. I could hear running footsteps and I hurried, unsure if I would be alike to free myself before they got here. I could hear voices when I was finally able to cut through the rope. Falling to the ground, it took me a couple of seconds to untangle myself from the rope and keep running.

I stood up and continued running, my breathing becoming more frantic as I could hear the sound of breathing and growls all around me, feeling the trained eyes of hunters following my every movement.

In the distance I could see a small cave, just small enough that I could fit into it, but the predators couldn't. I use the last of my energy to sprint to the opening, shifting into my rabbit form and scrambling to get inside as I hear their footsteps catching up to me.

I made it inside, but barely. I could feel the paw of one of the creatures brush against my leg, scratchin me slightly and causing crimson to bleed into my snowy furr.

Curling into a ball at the farthest corner from the entrance, which was maybe a yard away, I tried to control my breathing. It was hard though as I could hear the sounds of the predators scratching at them, they're footsteps shaking the ground around them.

'I can't believe I trusted them... why did I do that... whywhywhy-' my thoughts were filling up my mind, so I didn't realize the predators were no longer at the entry trying to get me until they're sent became faint. Finally being able to relax, I fell asleep...


I felt my heart race as I was pinned against the wooden floor below me by a strong paw. Eyes watering as the person I considered family was staring down at me hungrily.

"P-Philza Please-" my please we're cut off by the paw pressing harder into my chest. The blond wolf growled, his look turning into anger. I was going to die, just like the other rabbit I saw him kill, devouring right before my eyes, seconds after the kill.

The crunch of the bones, the screams that were cut off when they're heart was ripped right out of their chest. That's going to be me... I'm going to be in their position right now. Killed by the people that I thought loved me.

"Oh Tommy..." I heard the wolf say, his voice dripping with poison, "Nothing you say will stop me now."

I pressed my eyes closed, screaming as I felt teeth ripping apart my skin, the dislocation of my bones, opening my eyes for a moment as I saw the creature pull my heart out of my chest and eat it whole.


I woke up screaming. My eyes opened wide and looked at my surroundings. The stone was a light grey, being partially illuminated by the sunlight leaking through the entrance. The scent of the predators was faint so it was safe to go outside.

I heard my stomach growl, so I crawled out of the small cave to look for some berries. I haven't eaten since before I ran after all.


After returning to the cave, full and having cleaned my furr in a nearby river, washing off the blood and berry stains while also hopefully washing off some of my scent. I don't know a safer place to go right now, and I don't have the energy to keep running.

So, O return to the hole and dig out some of the dirt floor to make a burrow to hide in. It ends up just big enough for me to fit comfortably in my human form.
I slice through my flannel into a few strips of fabric to wrap around the cut on my leg.

Even though it's been a day since I got the injury, having something to wrap around it is better than nothing. That way it's less likely to get infected and there's less likely for blood to spill in more places, making a trail for them to follow my scent.

Memories flash through my head. A few years ago one of the monsters was teaching me first aid... No- I can't flash back now, not when I'm still running from those creatures.

"Were you able to find him?" Phil asks, tears sliding down his cheek. He didn't mean for Tommy to see that. It hurt so bad to know his kit was out there all by himself, lost and alone.

Techno shook his head as Wilbur walked towards the nest, laying where Tommy usually would, guilt eating him up for losing his baby brother.

A sob choked past the oldest wolf's lips as he cried, burying his face into his hands. Techno walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, we'll find him."

Run Little Rabbit (We're Playing Hide and Seek)Where stories live. Discover now