chapter 14: beach

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It's now night time and y/n and jungkook just finished getting ready to go for a late night drive as jungkook wanted.

This is what they wore.


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Y/N walked downstairs with jungkook in her arms going to the garage she picked out a car and they were soon on the road

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Y/N walked downstairs with jungkook in her arms going to the garage she picked out a car and they were soon on the road.

The car was silent but it was a peaceful and comforting silence. Y/N's hand was placed on jungkooks thigh through the entire ride aswell every once in a while she'd give him a little squeeze.

He'd whimper and look at her with a pout which she couldn't get enough of. He was her strange addiction and she wasn't ashamed of it at all. She just knew without him she'd lose her mind.

After a couple hours of driving y/n pulled up at a beach. Seeing the clear water glisten under the moon light jungkooks eyes sparkled, it'd been so long since he last got to go to a beach.

Seeing the sudden burst of excitement in jungkooks eyes y/n smiled softly. She got out and went to his side, reaching her hand out for him she lifted him up.

Jungkook wrapped himself around y/n like a koala as she walked to the sand. He looked around like a new born who's seeing the beach for the first time. "The water is so pretty babe".

"Do u like it here babyboy"? Jungkook nodded like a child conpletly lost in the view infront of him. "Wanna try to stand baby"? Jungkook nodded and y/n helped him stand on his feet.

His legs were shakey but he still managed to keep his balance with that the couple walked around the shore and soon sat on a big rock just to relax and enjoy the peace.

Little did Jungkook know y/n had something planned for him. Just for the sake of peace wasn't the only reason she had brought him there. But she was waiting a little longer.

"Hey babe"? Y/N turned to him. "Yes angel"? "How did u know about this place"? "No special reason, as a kid I used to run away from training alot and walk far from home.

"A day I managed to find this place, since then I always Came here when I wanted to clear my mind or just to look at the water". Jungkook nodded and turned back to the front.

Just then y/n stood up taking Jungkook by surprise he watched as she walked infront of him with a puzzled expression. She went down on one knee and pulled a little box out.

"B-babe what are u doing"? "Alright so I know we came across the face that we really love each other, but, we got married over a contract arranged marriage, so I decided why not change that".

Jungkooks eyes widened. "So Jeon Jungkook will u do me the favour of being my husband again"? Jungkook smiled and nodded. "Yes I will". Y/N gave a loving smile and got up.

She put the ring on his finger and jungkook did the same with the pair for her. Y/N sat down again and pulled jungkook to her lap giving him a passionate kiss.

The rings btw.

Y/N: forever jungkook: always

For the rest of the night the couple talked and enjoyed each other's company as it was rare that y/n could spend an entire day with jungkook with no worries of work

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For the rest of the night the couple talked and enjoyed each other's company as it was rare that y/n could spend an entire day with jungkook with no worries of work.

Within what felt like five minutes for two souls the time read to be 12:30 already. They got so caught up they didn't realize the time. Y/N decided it was time they leave . She knew Jungkook was getting tired and they still had a while to get home.

So they did, she carried the boy bridal style to their car and drove home as jungkook slept in his seat holding onto two of y/n's fingers the entire way to make sure she didn't leave him. Not like she ever could, she loved him too much.

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