ch.1) been awhile.

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(not cami or even kj are in any relationships in this fan-fiction, enjoy it!)

Camis POV:
Sunday rainy mornings,
the best way to start with those mornings is a big cup of coffee from Starbucks.
I was on my way walking to Starbucks with Truffle and a huge umbrella in my hand,
I had my mask on and scrolled trough instagram..
God was the Vancouver traffic loud. Suddenly there went silence because I heard someone yelling my name,
I looked up and saw a fan I had a huge smile on my face, I loved it to see fans and obviously missed it.
A girl about 13 years old came over to me and greeted me kindly, she asked if we could maybe take a selfie.
i agreed.

(an hour later)

I was back home, laying on my comfortable couch going trough my script for the first episode after the big
"Riverdale season 5 break." I'd rally can't wait to see everyone again!

Kj's POV:
I woke up and took a look at my phone.
"what already 1pm?" I said between a yawn.
I checked a thousands of emails and texted with some of the cast members, until I got up and made myself a coffee.
Gosh was I tired..but my tiredness didn't last long cause I got a notification.
*camimendes just added to their story*
I smiled and pressed on the notification to see what's going on.

camimendes 2mins ago

a smile appeared on my face

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a smile appeared on my face.
wait what-
ok,ok guilty maybe I'd like her, but just kinda, I mean we've been knowing us for years now,
and I really like her but I think the relationship we had got destroyed because of covid.
I mean I don't even know if she likes me too.. I sigh.

guyssss, tysm if u read til here!
it's my very first story hope u like it.

was it always him? -kjmila-Where stories live. Discover now