ch.3] stars of Vancouver

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Kj's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about Camila, what if she feels the same? what if she doesn't? Or what if she's already with someone?
Gosh. I need to tell her. I was laying on the couch which is in my trailer still staring at ceiling, until I got up and made my way to her trailer. I knock about two times and without her saying something I came in. "Hey." The lovely girl said while petting her little dog and watching Tv.
"Hey, uhm do you have some time for me? I thought we could talk?"

Cami's POV:

"Hey, uhm do you have some time for me? I thought we could talk?"
Did I do something wrong? What's wrong? Is he okey? I kept thinking.
I sat up "of course, what is it? you ok?" I said in a worried tone trying to hide it.
It took him a few seconds to answer, I sigh. "Actually, no I don't think I'm ok. I've been thinking about,uhm everything?"
"everything?" I said in a kind of fragile look. "Camila I don't know how to say this, I'm sounding like a little boy from 5th grade but,.. I really like you."
I eyes widened, he likes me? I'm screaming inside and I would love to outside." I came just a bit closer and smiled at him.
" Kj I-." Without saying anything else I just kissed him. It was a long and deep kiss, and it didn't felt like one of the film kisses from Archie, it was Kj who was kissing me.

We kept kissing and talking until Denise, one of the crew members knocked. "Camila we are ready for you."
I turned to Kj and smiled it him, I heard him mumbling "See ya later." God was I excited.

Kj's POV:
I asked Cami if she would like to go out with me, I know she loves evenings like this. And so I do, but just because I'm with Camila. A few hours later I got home and got immediately ready. I had to pick Cami up at around 7 o'clock. I came some minutes later, I know how much time she needs for herself to get ready. I bought here some flowers, tulips to be honest.

I knocked and a Cami immediately opened the door. "Hey handsome." She said while clicking a earring in her left ear.
"Hey beautiful." I said, she just giggled, " I bought you something." I smiled as I handed her the tulips. "Naw Kj! That wasn't necessary, but thank you." She said. Just a few minutes later she was ready and we went to a restaurant close by her apartment.
We ate, laughed and had the night of grace."

It was about 11pm when we walked back to her apartment, she grabbed my hand and rested her head on my arm. Suddenly there were a flash, but I just ignored it, I just focused on the girl next to me."Vancouver at night is more than beautiful, extremely the stars." My Cami said while watching deep into the night. I smiled and watched her. "I think I got the most beautiful star right next to me." I said. Camila giggled while opening the door of her apartment. "Alright.." she smiled. "Sleep well Keneti." I looked down to her. " You know I hate it when someone calls me like that." I said while wrapping my hands around her waist. "Yeah." She said wrapping her arms around my neck. " Yeah?" I said. Cams just smiled and we had a long kiss. She let go saying: "night."
"Good Night Cami." I said making my way downstairs.
She watched me, I heard her closing the door when I disappeared.

was it always him? -kjmila-Where stories live. Discover now