Chapter 17

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     "One way, or another, I'm gonna find ya! I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya!" the snack pack sang out rather loudly, searching the forest for the monstrous wolf as they danced forwards with their pitchforks held high. "One way, or another, I'm gonna win ya! I'm gonna get ya! I'll get ya!"

"Not to be a Branch or anything..." Creek grumbled, rolling his eyes slightly in annoyance as he walked behind the group of singing and dancing trolls. "But we're hunting a wild animal. We should probably try to remain as quiet as possible..."

"What's the fun in that?" Satin questioned with a shrug.
"So boring, man..." Chenille added.
"Let's keep siiiiiiiiiinging!" Guy shouted out loudly in his auto tuned voice.
"Yeah!" everyone agreed with laughter. "One way, or another!"

"Come on, guys," Poppy objected, trying to break up the loud cheers of her friends. "Creek is right. We might scare off the wolf if we're too loud. And that's no good for anyone..."

"Thank you, Poppy," Creek thanked with a smug grin, placing an arm around the young princess. "This is why I love you. Boop." He booped her nose, the snack pack rolling their eyes in hatred.

"I totally don't ship that..." Cooper whispered to Biggie.
"So gross..." Guy agreed with a slight gag.

With a kind smile, trying not to be rude, Poppy removed Creek's arm from her shoulder, stepping forwards towards her other friends.

"We just need to stay focused, guys," she announced with enthusiasm, getting back on topic. "We find the wolf... kill it... and then go home. Then we can sing and dance and hug all day and all night long! Forever!"
"YAY!" the snack pack cheered out in excitement, ready to destroy this monster so they could finally go back to their normal lives. "Now let's get out there and win this battle!" Poppy shouted. "For troll village!"
"For troll village!"


     "I'm... yawn... tired," Dj whined, loosing all her resolve as she sleepily rubbed her eyes, trudging slowly behind the group of trolls, all of them having been searching quietly for the wolf for a few hours now...

"And I'm board!" Cooper complained with a yawn.

"Mr. Dinkles is... yawn... cold..." Biggie announced, holding his pet worm in a tight hug. "Mew..." Mr. Dinkles yawned.

"We can't stop... yawn... now," Creek objected. "Not until this beast is... yawn... dead..."

     "Nice going, Dj," Satin sighed in annoyance, yawning as she spoke.
"You've started a contagious... yawn... yawn," Chenille finished angrily.

     Soon, everyone in the small group was yawning, suddenly feeling rather sleepy...

     "Ok, gang..." Poppy announced, seeing that the group would have to take a break in order to be fully awake when they finally found the wolf, the young princess struggling to hold in her yawn. They would definitely need all the energy they could get to win the battle against such a dangerous beast... "Everyone get some rest. I'll take the first watch."

"Tight!" Dj shouted out in excitement, immediately falling down to the ground as she fell asleep in a matter of seconds...

"I'll stay up with you," Creek smirked, placing his arm around Poppy's shoulder once again. "To keep you safe..."

"So gross..." Guy shuddered.

"No, no, Creek," Poppy said kindly, once again moving away from him. "You get some sleep. I'll be fine. We'll switch off in a couple of hours."

Creek growled softly at Poppy's rejection of him, slowly laying down with the rest of the group, reluctantly falling asleep soon after...

    Poppy yawned, slowly sitting down on a nearby rock, ready to stay awake for however long was needed to guard her friends while they all slept peacefully in front of her...

This was gonna be a looong night...

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