Chapter 55

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     "Branch!" Poppy screeched out in terror as her best friend was tackled roughly to the ground right in front of her horrified gaze, the young princess watching the struggle with wide eyes as she fought for her own life at the same time, another mysterious creature holding her in place. "Branch! No!"

     Terrified for the safety of both himself and the troll he cared more about than anything else in the world, Branch rolled around on the ground, the young boy wrestling fiercely with whatever was trying to take him down...

"Grrrr..." the little Weretroll growled his eyes glowing with fury as he fought to gain control over his attacker, the survivalist finally ending up on top as he pinned the unknown creature in the dirt...

     Panting heavily in both fear and exhaustion, Branch held his prey roughly to the ground, his eyes suddenly widening in shock when he realized who it was he was currently on top of...

     "Creek?" he questioned in pure confusion, not believing his eyes...

     The purple nuisance looked up in fear at the gray troll who still held him firmly in the dirt, the jerk troll suddenly realizing in frustration who he was...

     "Oh... Branch..." he grumbled angrily, his eyes narrowing in pure annoyance...

     Quickly, still concerned about his best friend, the village grump not knowing weather her attacker was friend or foe, Branch climbed off of the non-threat, the survivalist looking immediately back to Poppy who, to his surprise, was currently being cradled comfortingly in her father's arms...

     "King Peppy?" Branch questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side as he looked at the old king in confusion... What were these two trolls doing here?

     At the sound of those confused words, Peppy looked up to see Branch, the orange troll sighing in relief once he realized it was just the young boy he considered his son...

     "Branch, my boy. It's only you," he exclaimed in relief, rushing over to hug the gray troll tightly in his arms, Branch actually accepting the act of concern. "We heard growling, and assumed it was the wolf... so we followed it here..." He paused for a moment, looking to the young boy in slight suspicion as the orange troll pulled slightly away from the hug... "It's... strange... that the sound was coming from you, Branch..."
"Y... yeah..." the survivalist stuttered nervously, the gray troll rubbing the back of his head as he looked away from the old king in complete terror... "I... I know..."

     They had heard him growl... would... would they figure out his secret because of that?

     Poppy looked to Branch with worry filled eyes, the young princess clearly able to see her friend's fear... and she knew... she knew what question was coming next... why had the little troll been growling like the wolf?

     "What are you two doing out here?" she quickly asked to change the subject, Branch looking up at her with a thankful gaze, the young boy knowing she was trying to protect him...

     "We were hunting for the wolf before this freak got in our way," Creek grumbled as he crossed his arms in frustration, Branch not even bothering to give him an angered sneer...

     "The real question is..." Peppy began, looking back to his daughter with a firm gaze. "What are you doing out here, Poppy? I told you not to leave the village..."

     Poppy's face went blank as she remembered their conversation from the night before...

     "Oh... oh right..." she stuttered nervously, not knowing what to say to keep the little gray troll out of trouble. "I'm... I was..."
"It was my fault, King Peppy," Branch suddenly interrupted in a loud yet soft tone, everyone quickly turning to him in surprise...

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