Chapter 22

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In his cage, Branch was digging fiercely at the floor, still trying to escape from his prison though he had now been trapped in there for a few weeks...

     Escape seemed impossible... for even with his sharp wolf claws to help him out on his mission for survival... the young boy just couldn't seem to manage to dig through the solid metal below him...

With a long groan of disappointment, the wolf flopped down roughly onto the cold hard floor in defeat... He was never getting out of here...

"How's it been doing?" a sudden voice asked, catching Branch's attention almost instantly...

The wolf looked up, his heart sinking at what he saw...

King Peppy was currently walking towards him with Officer Sparkleton right by the old king's side, both of them seeming rather focused on the wolf in front of them...

Quickly Branch jumped up to his four feet, shrinking away from the two approaching trolls, frightened by their presence...

As previously mentioned... Peppy was like a father to Branch... the two of them got along pretty well, and Branch had never been afraid of him. But now that he was a wolf... the wolf that everyone was so scared of... the wolf that had attacked the village twice... the survivalist's heart raced at the sight of him...

"Thought he would've starved to death by now," the red glitter troll admitted, sounding rather annoyed by the fact Branch was still alive. "Hasn't eaten anything in the entire three weeks we've had him here..."

That, of course, wasn't true. No one except Branch and Poppy knew... but the kind princess had been coming by everyday to feed the poor wolf. Mostly brownies, but she sometimes brought chocolate cupcakes, and other sweets for him to snack on as well...

"Well... it is a wolf..." Peppy muttered, rubbing his chin in thought. "Maybe they can go longer without eating then we can." He shrugged, turning to look at the police officer. "No matter," the old king shrugged. "I will dispose of him myself. Tonight."

Branch's eyes widened in terror at the orange troll's statement, the survivalist letting out a horrible whimper of fear, unable to hold it in...

The two trolls looked up at the sound of the sudden noise, glaring over at the wolf, seeming angered by it's interjection...

With a quick gulp of fear, Branch shrunk back even farther, whimpering softly to himself, trying his best to remain as silent as possible to not upset the two of them any farther...

"Come along, your majesty," Officer Sparkleton instructed in an angered tone, leading the king away from the 'dangerous' beast. "Let's prepare for tonight..."

     Once the threat was gone, Branch rose back up to his four feet, instantly beginning to panic...

'I have to get out of here!' he barked, immediately grabbing at the bared door with his teeth, and beginning to pull on it as hard as he possibly could. 'Open! Open! Please, open!'

But the door wouldn't budge, the padlock holding it shut jingling loudly as it harshly shook back and forth, remaining tightly shut despite the wolf's desperate attempt to break it...

     'Let me out!' he cried, his howls of fear echoing through the entire village. 'Let me go!'

"Ok, bud. I brought your favorite," Poppy announced, suddenly walking up to the cage with a tray full of brownies, not seeming to notice the wolf's panicked behavior...

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