How they started dating! :)

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-They started dating at the end of Map Of Days

-Ofc, they were both SUPER freaked out from the days events, and were in Bentham's house on the couch, waiting for Emma and Miss P to get back from dropping off Jacob



-Enoch was SUPER AWKWARD, but he'd had a crush on Horace since forever, so he just kissed him.

-Ended up making out

-After the make-out sesh, Enoch goes, "So, are we, like..."

-"dating? Yeah."



-They're that couple that can't keep their hands off each other, and when they reached 18 years old (Basically) they did it SO MANY TIMES A MONTH-

-We stan Horace top

-Sometimes Enoch starts crying randomly and Horace calms him down and asks why and Enoch answers, "I just love you so god damn much."

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