How everyone figured it out

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-Enoch and Horace make out all the time, and the night Noor came they were especially excited, and forgot to lock the door.

-"Enoch, Horace, Miss P says it's dinnertime-" Claire walked in on them.


-She legit ran on dem tiny legs of hers into the kitchen and just yelled, "ENOCH AND HORACE WERE MAKING OUT."

-And Noor just like: 👁👄👁?

-Everyone was super supportive and Horace got all emotional because he'd been waiting to come out to everyone and right then he had. 

-Group hug

-"Now, Enoch," Miss P had pulled him aside. "I can tell you love him. Very much. But. No doing it until your both over 18."



-When Horace turned 15 and Enoch was 16 he decided it was close enough

-Cough cough

-But don't worry he got consent :0

-Consent is an important thing, remember ):(

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