Bye 🥹

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I'm ending this 😭

Sorry but I sort of don't have time anymore! I have a few lil headcanons first tho, and these are for all the things a ship!

-Horace will wake up in the middle of the night most nights even if he doesn't have a nightmare. He'll just go to Enoch's room and lay in bed with him. This happened even before they were dating. They're just used to it by now. 

-One time Jacob fell on some 'invisible force' and he fainted when he hit the ground because Jacob just be like that. :<< It was Millard, obviously, who made him fall but he didn't do it on purpose! So he spent like three hours just apologizing--

-Bronwyn picks up Emma and carries her across rooms sometimes for no good reason. Emma doesn't question it, tho. 

-(I don't ship them, it's just something I can imagine) Olive and Claire are always around each other, and it's kinda cute because Olive is goofy and jumpy and ADHD x1000 and Claire is super fancy and proper. 

-When Lily got to see (Not literally see, ofc) Noor after Noor had been missing since forever, she jumped on her and (accidently) kissed her. 

-Millard is bisexual king but was too shy to actually say anything about it. He actually kinda didn't believe it himself until Jacob kissed him for the first time and he went wild. 

-Miss P supports all of her children, and doesn't mind that most of them are in relationships. 

-Hugh and Fiona. I need say no more 🥰

Here is some fanart to bless ur eyes! (these are all my ships)

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Here is some fanart to bless ur eyes! (these are all my ships)

Here is some fanart to bless ur eyes! (these are all my ships)

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I don't ship Millard and Hugh but it's still cute fanart!

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I don't ship Millard and Hugh but it's still cute fanart!

I don't ship Millard and Hugh but it's still cute fanart!

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(this is bronwyn and emma)

(this is bronwyn and emma)

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Also I have a random headcanon inspired by @enbycosgendersucks :

Horace and Enoch were fighting over something. Enoch is used to making fun of people, but that's how he shows love! So he was mocking Horace, and Horace ended up getting rly sad, so Enoch called him a cry baby. They were yelling at each other for a while, and Enoch just randomly yelled out in the middle of it:


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