I'm givin up on life

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Random headcanons :)

if yall want a certain kind just comment 👁🫦👁

Don't question that emoji babes 🤗

mosta these are fluff btw

-Horace loves Enoch's hair. Enoch loves Horace's hair. Win win.

-Sometimes Enoch gets all self-conscious because of his beautiful boyfriend. Horace finds this both flattering and sad. Enoch would say things like: "I'm so ugly compared to you," and Horace would tackle him to the ground and say, "You beautiful, gorgeous child. Where did you get these lies from? The internet? I'll kill Jacob for allowing you tiktok-"

-Enoch is little spoon, obviously, but most times Horace lets Enoch pick him up and stuff like that. (Unless he's feeling. Uh. Dominate.)

-The first time they said I love you was rly sweet.  They'd been dating since for a while and were in the Acre. Horace got all freaked out cos of a dream, so Enoch came in to help him feel better. He said: "Hey, calm down, it's okay, babe, it's okay." and then absentmindedly: "I love you, it's okay." Horace was fine after that.

-One time Enoch wore a maid dress. They were about 17 or 18 years old at the time, so you can imagine how Horace reacted. 😮‍💨 (Very gayly)

-Before they were dating, they're hangouts would usually just be them flirting with each other but never getting the message through.


-I ship Millard and Jacob. I know that's kinda weir but I don't rly like Noor and Jacob I ship Noor and Lily so like perfection yk? Noor just switched places with Millard :).

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