Male Mal x (part mermaid) reader

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*Requested by Princess_of_Heart01*

(Y/n's pov)
I looked around the area of the enchanted lake to see if anyone was around, no one knows what i am and i intend to keep it that way.
Being the second born daughter of Princess Ariel, Prince Erik and little sister to princess melody was one thing.
But being half human and half mermaid is another.
When i found out was totally by accident, and no it wasnet speaking to sea creatures that gave it away.
My mother and big sister can talk to sea creatures like me.
But my big sister is also half human and half mermaid and yet she cant pop out a tail when water touches her.
She can hold her breath sure, but a tail showing up, breathing under water, no that only seems to be what i can do.

(Flash back)
It was my twelfth birthday, and it was a big birthday party with my family and freinds.
My grandpa even gave me a trident of my own, but things toke a turn.
I jumped into the water and then everything turned white and i heared screaming.
Melody rushed in along with my mother and father.
Melody got to me first and i looked at her, she looked at me confused and i looked down to see a blue tail and i looked at her happy.
But that smile was dropped from my face when i saw the shock instead of pure awe.
We both came up and melody helped me onto the beach and mom said.
"Oh my goodness y/n sweety you okay-".
Melody looked up shocked and walked away and dad held mom as they looked at my tail, which replaced my legs and i said scared.
"Mommy, dad?
What's wrong"?
They looked at eachother and i looked to grandpa and i said.
"Grandpa, what's going on"?
My aunts came over and aunty Attina said.
"What is everyone standing around for, look at her your scaring her".
Mom came over and said to grandpa.
"Dad how, how-"?
He then said.
"I don't know Ariel".
Dad came over and i said crying.
"Daddy, what's happening to me"?
He then said holding me.
It's going to be okay y/n.
I got you don't worry, daddy's here.
(I was still crying and he said smiling kind and wipped them away.)
Now now, there's no need to cry.
Do you remember the story i would tell you on how i met your mother?
(I nodded.)
She was a mermaid and she saved my life.
We stopped that sea witch and then your big sister wanted to be a mermaid to.
Your half human y/n and half mermaid just like melody".
I asked.
"Then why didnt she grow a tail too in the water"?
Dad looked to melody and then to grandpa and mom.
But said once looking back at me.
"You and your sister are both specail, special like your mother.
I don't know why your sister can't grow a tail, but all i know is you can, and that's a gift.
There's nothing to be scared of okay, now come on my little mermaid.
Let's see that smile".
I smiled and grandpa said.
"Well said son".
He came ocer and said.
"She looks just like Athena".
I smiled and the party contiued.
(End of flash back)

That secret has been kept within the kingdom ever since, but also since i was 12 melody never been the same when we found out what i can do.
But she's always been there for me.
I coat off my swim jacket and dived in.
Once in my legs were replaced with my blue tail, which grew.

Once in my legs were replaced with my blue tail, which grew

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