The realization (Sora POV)

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Ive been wondering what to do with my life... i have nothing to do anymore.. Jaxx hates me and everyone else probably does too. Sometimes i have social anxiety where I hate myself and think everyone hates me! I have no need to keep living. Life is short, why keep wasting it on trying to get my boyfriend back? Everyone is so hard on me. Alex calls for a squad meeting im the living room and guess who sat across from me. . Jaxx.. It was only a few seconds until everyone but me tried to tell Jaxx that i didnt cheat. I knew he hated me already so whats the point in trying? Jaxx was holding back tears while i was just crying. They asked him to apologize and even though he did, it sounded like he had an attitude so i didnt accept it and just stayed quiet. Everyone including my possible ex were trying to get me to talk but i wouldnt. I hate everything and everyone...

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