Chapter 11: An Interlude

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December 9, 00XX

Hopefully, Ythyr doesn't mind Elliot spending a few more days cooped up in heaven. Elijah avoided him like he was a deadly disease, any time they got together, the silence stretched out, and tension rose.

He just finished sparring with the twins, then he rested at the gates of heaven. The world is vast, and excitement stirs within him to explore it once the loop ends.

"Elliot I heard about yesterday," Zaila spoke. Elliot glanced at her and sighed. She proceeded to sit beside him. "We didn't know where you went. Elijah says he's sorry."

"If he is then he should've been the one to say it." Zaila was caught off guard by Elliot's snarkiness.

"Elijah's trying his best okay? I hope to find it in your heart to forgive him."

"I know... He's been on my nerves and I snapped. We'll talk about this once we cool off, and I'll just stay out of his way."

"Oh Elliot," Zaila fidgeted and smiled.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just hoping you and Elijah make up, okay?" She patted his back, "I'll be off, see you for tomorrow's sessions."

He waved and returned to his sightseeing.

That was weird.


December 10, 00XX

A day left.

He wandered around the library finding something new about the spell. He got handsy and browsed through the army records. No sign of Castiel.

"Soldier. You should be at the training grounds," A deep gravelly voice disturbed him, making Elliot flinch and almost throw the book he held. He turned around. It's Lieutenant Caelum in his full glory with his arms crossed. Elliot's jaw dropped, he was so in trouble.

"I'm sorry sir, I was distracted," he stuttered nervously.

"The library is the grandiose home for those who thirst for knowledge. I admire your desire to read, soldier, but you must train first. There is plenty of time in the universe to continue your learning."

"Y-yes sir," he slotted the book back to the shelf and saluted.

"That's the spirit boy. I shall watch over the grounds now." Elliot stood still as he watched the lieutenant leave. He exhaled and quickly flew down to the grounds.

Wait. Caelum. He was one of Castiel's friends. Maybe the answer is not in one of the books. Perhaps it's the angel in front of him.

Thoughts sprouted out like wildfire, he'll have to stalk his lieutenant and dig up facts about him. He'll do it after he completes his trip to hell tomorrow.

Elliot smirked as he found something new to do.

Words: 412

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