Chapter 21: Will This Be the Last?

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December 30, 00XX

Elliot stared at the morning sky. No one ever told him how beautiful it was before. He was always too busy to find the time to look at the sky. Always off somewhere sparring or shard-hunting with Ythyr. Briefly, he wondered what his life before the loop was like. Did he gaze at the skies as he did now? Was he living a life surrounded by friends?

In one month, so much has already changed. Here he was, standing his ground along with those who used to be his enemies. Despite the stone-cold calm on his face, he was filled with fear.

The heavy silence that hung in the air felt suffocating. It was the calm before the storm. The few moments of peace they had left before chaos would wreak havoc down on earth. Elliot took a deep breath and glanced at Ythyr. He took the time memorizing the contours of his face, the way the sun lit his dark skin and set his eyes ablaze.

"What do you think?" Elliot asked. "Do we have a chance against them?"

"...I'm not sure."

Elliot looked around at the rest of their companions. His heart ached when he saw the look of doubt and uncertainty on everyone's faces. They were all thinking the same thing: that there was no way they could win this fight. Not against an army of thousands.

Elliot swallowed hard. He wasn't sure if he wanted to believe Ythyr or not. But the truth was, he didn't know anything for certain. All they could do was wait.


The siege started and angels descended from the sky.

Elliot gripped his sword tighter and charged to the frontlines. He had no idea how they were going to hold off the angels but he had to try. He clashed blades with familiar faces, old friends who he once used to spar with during training, now looked at him in disgust and contempt.

"You're nothing more than a traitor," one of them spat. "We trusted you!"

Elliot didn't have time to respond because an angel was coming at him. They were all over the place, it seemed like there were hundreds of them. He swung his sword at the angel and missed. It was too quick. The angel slashed at him, but he parried its attack with his own sword.

It was then that he realized he was surrounded by enemies.

He was trapped between two angels, and they weren't even trying to be subtle about it. One of them raised their sword up high and swung down on Elliot. He blocked the blow but it still cut into his arm.

The wound healed immediately and Elliot delivered a sweeping kick that threw the angel to the ground. He summoned his weapon in his other hand and before they could get up, he drove his sword down their heart.

"You okay?"

Elliot turned around to see Ythyr behind him. He was standing over the body of the other angel, blood all over his hands. Elliot diverted his gaze and nodded.

"I'm fine."

"Keep it up," Ythyr gave him a weak smile, "We haven't won yet."

He returned the smile and pulled back his sword. Their side was holding off pretty well and Elliot began feeling hopeful. At this rate, they might just win the war.

The sound of brass horns blaring was quick to put out that thought. The angels stopped their pursuit. The demons cheered at their seeming show of surrender but Elliot's stomach plummeted.

"The arrows..." He whipped towards Ythyr. He remembered what they meant. "Ythyr, the arrows!"

Ythyr caught his train of thought and was quick to action. He raised a hand in the sky and concentrated all his energy into casting a tall transparent barrier. Arrows rained from the sky but were deflected right back as soon as they met with the barrier. Once the attacks ceased, Ythyr pulled back the barrier and fell to one knee in exhaustion. Elliot approached to ask if he needed help but he raised a hand.

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