I had to take back control of the conversation, and fast.
Yours Truly: Anyway, what contest do you think you're gonna be in as your next Sinnoh contest?
Soledad may have been a bit of a cad to me during that time, but she seemed to get the message. So, she finally decided to let it go and get back on topic.
Soledad: I think I'll be heading over to Hearthome City for my next Sinnoh super contest. It doesn't really happen for another three weeks and it gives me time to head up north to Snowpoint City to catch an ice type pokémon or two just before going back to Kanto. I've kinda been falling a bit behind on really catching of pokémon since I've been in Sinnoh.
Yours Truly: So, what exact sort of pokémon are you looking to catch while you're in Snowpoint City?
For the rest of our call over the video phone, Soledad and I kept our conversation to one another on her and how she was currently doing in Sinnoh with the super contests. Then, she said one final thing in regards to the Hearthome Contest.
Soledad: At least, I can say that there's one thing that makes the Hearthome contest different from all of the other super contests within the contest circuit here in the Sinnoh Region.
Yours Truly: Oh, really? And, what's that?
Soledad: Oh, nothing in particular, just that it's a double performance with the same rules and standards for the Sinnoh Region's own Grand Festival. Of course, the Daybreak Town's Pokémon Contest has been rumored to occasionally do the same thing, but it looks like I won't be sticking around long enough to know if it's true. After the Hearthome contest, I'll head back to Pewter City to do some re-evaluating while I wait for the contest circuit in Kanto to start. Then, you'll see me working up the rankings of the rarest title in the entire contest world; homegrown Top Coordinator.
Yours Truly: I don't doubt the rarity of such a title, especially since most coordinators have earned their title of Top Coordinator in a different region than the one they came from.
Only an hour afterwards, Soledad had informed me that she needed to go to the pokémon center to pick up her pokémon from their rest and relaxation at the place.
Soledad: They're waiting for me there and I don't feel like worrying them anymore. But first, I would like to know where you happen to be heading next.
That was just about when Soledad began to gather her things from her hotel room.
Yours Truly: I'm heading over to Fallarbor Town for ribbon number four. I've a few weeks to get there, and there is an uncrossable desert between here where I am and Fallarbor Town, but we'll just see how uncrossable that desert really is. It'll give me time to think about what appeals I wanna do with Roselia along the way, anyway.
Soledad: I look forward to seeing you in the Fallarbor Contest, then. Break a leg.
Yours Truly: Ah, theater talk for 'good luck'. Same to you in the Hearthome Contest.
Soledad: Barely in need of it.
Then, we both began to sign off when I suddenly remembered something Soledad had done in our conversation earlier. Something that had to do with that girl in the red bandana.
A Tale of Two Rivals
Hayran KurguThe Hoenn and the Kanto Battle Frontier Sagas of the Pokémon franchise as told from the perspective of May's first ever rival, Drew. basically this is the story of how Drew follows May on her own Pokémon contest journey and eventually starts seeing...