Caged Feelings - Chapter 1

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Of course he would sacrifice her. Again. That's all he knew. He walked around and acted like a rude professor, but deep down he would sacrifice his life for others.
She stared at the bracelet on her wrist that he had given her on her graduation. Everyone gave each other expensive or extravagant gifts, but he gave her a simple leather bracelet with a promise that he would always be by her side. Now that promised seemed like a almost nothing .

Apart from Shaheer nobody knew their feelings for each other and this Khadus took an advantage of that and gave her to Ahir as if she was some random gift. She sighed and closed her eyes as she held the bracelet close to her heart.

She couldn't say No to Ahir either. He had helped her throughout her college life , graduation rucus etc . So She couldn't back out at last moment. She heard a knock along with the jingle of bangles. She wiped her tears and splashed water on her face and opened the door with smiled.

"Come on yaar. We don't have time to waste." Reema ( a friend of Anokhi ) was standing there, looking all fancy and pretty in her pink and orange dress. Nandini gave her weak smile and walked out of the bathroom.

Sarah pulled her cheeks to make her smile big. "It's your engagement today Anokhu. Look at little bit excited, aren't you excited "

But Anokhi only nodded and sat in front of the dressing table. She had come long way from fighting and hating to falling in love with Shaurya, becoming best friends with Shaheer, making an unbreakable bond of respect with Ahir and becoming close friends with Shagun and Sarah . Now she was twenty-three, but somewhere along the way they all became mature and understood the meaning of friendship and love except the all time famous Shaurya . He was down to sacrifice his love.

The makeup artist did her job and Anokhi looked absolutely gorgeous.

" Shaurya should be on his way." Sarah impatiently looked at her watch. She looked pretty in her blue dress.

"WHY?" Anokhi's heart started to beat fast. Why is he coming now? The last person Anokhi wanted to see today on her sacrificed engagement day was Shaurya . All the courage that she build for this engagement would be crumbled up just with his one look. All the feelings that she numbed would surface again with his one touch. All the pain that she had hidden would awake with the pain in his eyes. He wasn't even supposed to attend the engagement. His flight to Spain was today. He should have been on plane to Spain.

"Because Ahir's Mom have these ridiculous traditions so one of them is to have Bride's brother bring the Engagement joda and make you wear the duppatta so you have great bonding with the family after wedding or some crap like that. Ahir doesn't have a brother so Shaurya is bringing it."

Even fate was down to make her heart explode with pain today and Just on the cue there was a knock on the door and the girls pushed Nandini in the bathroom and after they gave her dress, she wore it and came out. She didn't even look around just in case if he was around. Sarah and Reema took her towards the tall mirror and fixed her hair.

"Where the hell is this Shaurya now?" Sarah sighed. "bring the in the duppatta man. We are getting late." She screamed knocking at the door.

"I am right here. Stop screaming." Anokhi heard his hoarse voice. She knew he had been crying and he was in heartbreaking pain, but then again he was the one to put them in this situation and she swore to keep her mouth shut. She heard him send Sarah and Reema down for something.

Something fell on her head. She looked at the mirror and there he was fixing her duppatta on her head. Her dress was simple, but beautiful. It was white with blue accents and bead work. Her eyes fell on his tie and it was the color blue. Oh god no. She heaved a sigh. She almost felt like crying. She stared at their reflection in mirror. He was wearing a black suit and a blue tie. They looked like as if they were made for each other....but fate has some other plans .

"You look beautiful." He whispered. She closed her eyes to hide her tears. "I am sorry Anokhi." In two just 2 sentence  he made her feel beautiful and then broke her heart again ....just all over again .

He watched her sigh and he hoped this excruciated pain would disappear from their lives someday, but he knew it was impossible. He had imagined this reflection of them together, but not like this, not for when she was becoming someone else's fiance.
Oh she was so gorgeous, but he knew she was not his. Then his gaze fell on her wrist, between the bangles there was the bracelet that he gave to her. His breath got caught in his throat. She couldn't wear that at least not when she was getting engaged to Ahir. He took hold on her wrist and he was about to rip the bracelet when she held his hand with force. She held his arm so strongly that her nails were almost piercing his skin.

          "Shaurya." She said in stern and angry voice. He could feel the hurt in her words. "No not  this."

          "Anokhi, you can't wear this at least not today." His words almost felt like as if he was pleading. "And this looks ugly with your dress."

" Everything cant be done according to you Mr Shaurya Sabherwal " She roared "It's not up to you what looks nice or not." She told with anger clearly visible in her eyes and voice.

Anokhi -"And Not this. You cannot take this bracelet away from me. I gave you my heart so I didn't say anything when you broke it. You had my heart. You used it. You broke it. You stepped on it, crushed it. I was silent, but not this time. This bracelet is part of me and I will never let you tear me apart again. Never" she told with seriousness in her voice

          She had no idea how much her words were hurting him. Ahir was not the only reason he let her go. He, himself, was the reason he let her go and broke her heart. He came from a broken world and she would never be happy if he let her come to his world. Her innocent and happiness would get lost somewhere in his world where people only cared about money and statuses. He had to let her go.

          "I am sorry Love ." He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. She finally voiced the pain that was silently caged in her heart. He pulled himself back and wiped her tears and smiled sadly. 

Shaurya -"I have to go."

Shaurya - "Goodbye Anokhi "  saying this He kissed her forehead and left without looking back at his love, his love of his life .

To be continued .....

Hi Everyone

So here is the very first chapter of Caged Feelings

How was it ? let me know in the comment box 

Special chapter for Black_Hat52  

Btw don't forget to Smile's important  :)

Bye until next chapter 

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