Caged Feelings - Chapter 2

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"What was that?" Sarah asked . With Shock was written all over her face.

"Just pretend you didn't see anything." Anokhi wiped her tears and thanks to waterproof makeup. It was still set in its place.

"Here it's you two and the other day it was Shagun and Ahir." That caught Anokhi's  attention.

"What happened to them?" She questioned her.

"Shagun proposed Ahir and he said No, but when I talked to him. He seemed pretty broken about it. I am sorry I didn't meant to ruin your mood. I swear Ahir didn't do anything. I-"

"Sarah, I love you more for telling me this before it was too late." saying this she hugged Sarah, who was beyond confused. 

"Where is Ahir?" Anokhi excitingly asked.

"The east side of the hotel with the guys and probably doing some weird rasam as said by his mom." She confusingly replied.

"Meet me in the lobby in ten minutes." She waved at Sarah and left.

It took her a while to find the east side of the hotel especially with the high heels she was wearing. The guys were cheering for Ahir in the room and making fun of him. Everything seemed dull without Shaurya, but she shook that thought out of her mind. This is not important right now. She shooed away the boys from there and told Shaheer to get the car ready when she got to know that Shagun was at her home.

"Anokhi ji?."  Ahir asked with surprise, his voice was as quiet as ever. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you." She gasped for breath.

"I can see that. Btw you look absolutely gorgeous." He helped her sit down.

"I know. I mean someone told me that already, but that's not the point right now." She patted the seat next to her and he sat down next to her. "Ahir ji, Do you love me or not."

"Anokhi ji yeh-." He looked at her in shock yet again.

"Ahir ji seriously today I don't have time for hesitations. Four lives are at stake and their fate relies on your honest reply. Please Ahir ji give me the answer." She held his hands and almost begged him to reply.

He was hesitant at first, but he replied finally. "No. I don't love you. I had feelings for you, but I don't love you. I am sorry Anokhi ji, but I am in love with Shagun." He looked down at his black dress and balck shoes regretfully.

"No don't be sorry." She got up and hugged him. "Just have fun ,enjoy your day with full happiness. Shagun will be here on time and you will get engaged to her. I promise."

"But Anokhi ji-"

She cut his words and squeezed his hand. "Trust me on this Ahir ji. Please." She kissed him on his cheek and then left him there in confusion.


Sarah was waiting in the lobby impatiently with Shaheer. She glared at Shaheer and he held his hands up high.

"Shaheer if your car is not outside when I get there, you won't have your legs then." He backed off and left.

"Anokhi, what the hell is going on? It's your engagement. You can't just leave like that." Sarah asked her worriedly.

"Not anymore. Not at the point, but just keep the guests here. I know we have an hour and a half, but just in case if I get late, tell them I am in traffic. They will understand."

"But Anokhi?" Sarah was still confused as she was earlier.

"Sarah, Babe I know you can do that so please keep them in the hall while I come back in an hour or so."

Shakhi TS- Caged FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now