Caged Feelings - Chapter 3

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Any one here jiska internet bhi snail ki tarha chalta hai ?

Moving back to the story 😁


Four years flew by and he didn't even look back once. She knew he thought that  Ahir and her were still together that's why he never tried to have any connections with any of them. Everyone moved on with their lives except Anokhi. She still waited for him. She knew he would return someday not sure when ..but he will. She just hoped he would come alone , and be her's forever.  Ahir and Shagun got married. Sarah became a successful psychiatrist and she used her past to help others. Shaheer moved to Italy .  Reema  pursued her singing career. Even though they all were far away from each other, they still remained close friends and in touch with each other except Shaurya. They understood the meaning of true friendship and there was no way they would let go of each other. Nobody knew what Shaurya was doing or where in Spain he was . Even with so much technology and internet being in todays world, they couldn't find him. He had erased all his traced. But Anokhi  didn't lose hope. She still waited for him. She exceled in her professional life. She became the board member of one of the top Hotels in the country and managed the hotel successfully with the dream to build her own Hotel chain someday.


Saniye star [ Hotel's name ] 🤪

"Miss. Bhalla." - Her boss called her.

"Yes sir?" - Anokhi replied 

 Boss-"Our very special guest is coming today. I want you to especially take charge of the whole situation and be on the case until the guest stays here. He shouldn't have any complaints so that every time he comes to India, he chooses our hotel chain." 

Anokhi - "Yes sir!"

Boss -"He is coming in few minutes so you should go to the hotel front desk and attend him. I have told them downstairs that you will be the one to attending this guest so they don't have any other assignments and the assistant manager will take care of everything. Anokhi, I really need your help because if he is satisfied with our hospitality then he might even invest in our new hotel in Spain."

She nodded. Spain. She didn't like the sound of that word anymore nor the place. The other half of her heart of laying shattered somewhere in Spain. She chuckled sadly and head down to front desk. She loved her job. There was nothing more satisfying than making other people feel like at home and that was her goal for this hotel too and she hoped someday she would have her own hotel which could be part of people's memories. She was chatting with Jenny [ one of her colleagues] while waiting for the guest and her back was towards the door.

"Oh god there he is. Damn girl, you are so lucky to have such a hot guest. I thought he would be some old guy, but you have gotten lucky somehow this time. Have fun." Jenny smirked, but Anokhi shook her head amusingly.

It was a matter of seconds that she stopped breathing when  she turned around. There he was busy in his work and commanding his staff. Oh god not him. She sucked in air. She couldn't breathe with him there for real after all these years. She couldn't take his eyes off of him. He looked mature with groomed facial hair and that business suit. But his face was empty of any emotions and her heart sank when her eyes met with his cold ones. He has changed this was the first thought that came in he mind after meeting with his cold eyes 


He felt someone's gaze on him. Finally, he got annoyed and took off his shades and looked up. His hand froze half way. No...No.. Not her... Not now... Not after all these years... Not after the numbed pain... Not after all these lonely and painful days. Why was she here? .He turned himself into a cold workaholic person just to strip himself off of any emotions. He couldn't let her presence surface any of his emotions. Before he could say anything, she already had a smile on her face, but he knew that smile didn't reach her eyes and it was a fake smile. He knew her too dam well and that was the cause of his grieving pain.

Shakhi TS- Caged FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now