Day 1

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It was a Saturday night and as usual Llgaz and Ceylin snuggled on the sofa watching a movie. Tonight llgaz got to pick and he chose a historical movie. Whenever, wherever llgaz is always ready to absorb more knowledge to Ceylin's chagrin. Although llgaz's efficiency and tedious calculations have been very handy in solving cases and bringing the rightfully accused to justice. Let's just say Ceylin loves the fact that her husband can drive her crazy in all aspects of their lives. *Ring, Ring, Ring* , llgaz's phone goes off. Llgaz struggles to move Ceylin as she is clinging to him, only makes him laugh harder when he finally tells her "sevigilim, can't you hear the phone ringing" . Ceylin lets out a sigh and says: "maybe I hear something, but don't go let's just stay snuggled up like this lutfen". After a little negotiation, Ceylin finally unclasped her hands and legs from his and let him answer the phone. "Hello, who is this?" Llgaz did not recognize the number. " Hey llgaz it's your buddy Uraz, remember me?" An old college buddy had called llgaz to invite him and his wife on a yacht for three days. Apparently, his buddy became a multi-millionaire and had wanted to invite and treat some of his former classmates to a three day trip. Llgaz wasn't convinced, but when Ceylin heard the words "yacht and trip" she immediately jumped from the couch to give llgaz "the look". Llgaz knew immediately what Ceylin wanted, and how excited she was and so per usual he caved and RSVP'd.

Today was the day, Ceylin and llgaz both had their beach attire on. Ceylin was rocking a green halter top, white shorts and sandals and llgaz was wearing dark green shorts and a black t'shirt. As always the two had to match in some way shape or form. As they arrived at the pier with their luggage, they are escorted onto the boat. First llgaz sets foot aboard then extends his hand to help Ceylin on board. While he does that, he gives his wife an enthusiastic pull. Ceylin loses balance and lands exactly where llgaz wants her, in his arms. She lets out a little laugh and mouths "smooth kocacım" as llgaz helps her to stand on her own two feet again. Ceylin gets acquainted with some of llgaz's former classmates. She relishes at the stories told about llgaz. Not surprising, only good things are said about him. He still the same honest, kind-hearted and hardworking individual he has always been.

Uraz comes up from below deck. "So this is the famous Ceylin people have been talking about. The one who was finally able to mend llgaz's cool exterior", Ceylin blushes. Llgaz *rolls his eyes*. Ceylin the proceeds to say "Hi, nice to meet you. Thanks for inviting us." Uraz delighted and fascinated by Ceylin's demeanor escorts them to their room. The extremely gigantic yacht had five rooms. Two on the west wing, two on the East wing and the master room isolated in the front area of the yacht. Ceylin and llgaz were given a room on the East wing. Uraz had told them to make themselves feel at home, and enjoy the sun, water and weather. They dropped their bags and went straight to the front of the yacht. Llgaz laid out a towel and the two sat next to each other, with Ceylin's head on llgaz's shoulder. They stared at the sea as the yacht was in motion. Waves upon waves, until they saw dolphins. "DOLPHINS" Ceylin screamed! She stood up in excitement and started jumping. Llgaz still sitting on the towel was mesmerized by his wife's enthusiasm. He stood up and wrapped his hands around Ceylin and gave her a soft kiss. Ceylin stretched her arms and llgaz remained with his hands wrapped around her, it was just like the scene in titanic.

After awhile of basking in the sun, ceylin and llgaz decided to go shower and get ready for the dinner. Apparently there will be oysters! Ceylin was excited as she hasn't had it in quite awhile and oysters also remind her of the time llgaz and her went outside of the courthouse to eat and discuss business. Although he didn't eat any and abruptly walked away while she wasn't even finished eating, she will never forget that night. Even though it wasn't necessarily their best memory, Ceylin thought any memory with llgaz is better then having none. As the arrived back into the room, they started taking their clothes off. Llgaz then realized out of habit both them would usually just shower together , but right now it was a bit more difficult as the shower was smaller, and they had neighbors literally in hearing distance. "Hold on, hold on, hold on" llgaz said. "What.." Ceylin replied. Looking at each other both half naked, and then looking at the shower they realized they couldn't possibly do what they do at home. Llgaz insisted Ceylin go first, and Ceylin insisted he go first. The two could not come up with a resolution. Ceylin noticing the time, grabbed llgaz by the arm and shoved him first into the shower and joined him. It was crammed, extremely crammed, but they missed their adult time. In close quarters they helped each other and snuck a couple of kisses here and there. They had to hurry though, as they were already running late. All dressed and ready, the two love birds made their way to the dinner table.

At dinner, llgaz pulled Ceylin's chair out she sits and winks at him. Llgaz then sits down himself. The couples have a lovely night, eating, drinking and a little bit of dancing. Tipsy at best, they all decide to go to their respective quarters, ending the night on a high note. 

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