Day 3

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It's officially the last day of this boat holiday. Llgaz and Ceylin are both sad and happy that the trip is coming to an end. All burnt, and with enough tan to last for a year the Kaya's definitely know it's time to go home. They also have stable jobs, a beautiful house and friends they dearly miss. On their last day, llgaz wanted their vacation to end on a SUPER high note. He asked Uraz for some help, and the two concocted a plan to surprise Ceylin. But before the surprise, it was one last swim before going back to suit and ties and skirt and blazers. Today's event included a rope swing. Ceylin swung a million times and jumped into the water. Llgaz on the other hand was calculating the many ways in which safety was being compromised. Ceylin knew her husband all too well, and those looks only made her love him more. Whenever he gets so distracted, his serious face and frown show up while he investigates. Ceylin knowing llgaz will regret not at least once swinging grabs him by the hand and says "listen here, you will regret not joining in, let's make a deal. I'll swing with you, we can do it together, do you want to?" Llgaz contemplates, and he knows he'll regret not letting loose of the breaks. With Ceylin, and her in close proximity, being carefree is a guarantee. Plus she brings him strength, as he does her. "Let' go" ceylin says.. As they get ready to swing and land in the water, llgaz bravery kicks in and he tells Ceylin to jump on his back. Ceylin without hesitation lets llgaz have his way. Feeling her skin upon his skin, and her face next to his as she is holding him tight, llgaz swings and they land in the water. Once they come up from under the water, Ceylin plants a kiss. "See it isn't bad at all is it" as she hangs on to him in the water, llgaz replies with "nope, it was fun but one time is enough for me".

After soaking as much sun up as they could, it was time to get ready for dinner. Unbeknownst to Ceylin, llgaz had arranged other plans. He had instructed her to get ready and meet him at the door. While Ceylin showered and got ready, llgaz had set up everything. He had picked her favorite food, pilaf and rice brought dolma and set it all out in a picnic setting at the front of the yacht. When he went to get Ceylin he told her to close her eyes, not completely trusting her, he put his own large hands over hers to make sure she didn't peek. Llgaz first told her to go left, he guided up her the stairs , and then he let go of his hands and told ceylin to look. Ceylin could not believe her eyes, she looked back at him with so much love and then excitedly went to the picnic spot. It was beautiful, there was candles, pillows and lights surrounding the area. A little table was set with all of Ceylin's favorite food! There was also cheese, wine and bread. A mixture of food to cleanse everyone's palate and cravings. This scenery and effort just made Ceylin appreciate llgaz even more than she already did. From the first moment they met, he had always taken care of her and food especially was always important. Llgaz has always made sure that she was sleeping enough, eating enough and happy. As they ate and drank, night began to approach and Ceylin was a bit cold. Llgaz wrapped her with a blanket in which she immediately pulled him in to join. Together snuggled under a blanket, all fed, the two were stargazing. "Do you see that star there" llgaz said. "Yes, that's Sirius Ceylin replied". "Well that star reminds me of you. Like Sirius is the brightest star in earth's night sky, you are my brightest star. I'm glad my home is with you. seni seviyorum". Ceylin blushes and replies "ben de seni seviyorum sayin savcı". As these two confess their love, llgaz pulls the blanket over their heads and a long-passionate make-out session ensues. No part of Ceylin or llgaz's body remained untouched, and they spend the entire night under the stars.


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