Day 2

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The next morning, Llgaz and Ceylin were woken up by the staff who brought them breakfast in bed. As they munched on their food, Uraz had informed the couple that they will be going ashore to spend it on the private island he owned. Excited by the prospect to enjoy the beach and sand, everybody got ready to go offshore. Uraz had a vacation home built on the island, and again each couple got assigned a room. Llgaz and Ceylin as usual dropped their stuff, and sped off into their own little world. Taking their snorkels with them, they swam in the sea, then decided it was time to lay on the beach.

Ceylin and llgaz were having the time of their lives, this is exactly what they needed after everything they have been through. After awhile of swimming after the fishes, more like Ceylin scaring the fishes off with her chaotic energy the two decided to sit in the sand and let the current touch their feet. Both llgaz and Ceylin were getting a nice tan, when Ceylin abruptly tackled llgaz. Instead of attacking her back, he let Ceylin "win". In llgaz's mind he had already won as the girl he loved more than anything was on top of him, the only thing missing was to hug her as tight as he could, and he did. In as tight of a bear hug as one could possibly get, Ceylin mutters: "Llgaz, you're smothering me, hellooo... it's getting hard to breathe" when llgaz finally let go. Both on their backs laughing at how silly they are, they looked at each other and just stared at each other for awhile. Ceylin was wearing a blue bikini, her hair all wet and in her face while llgaz was bare chested and getting a nice tan.

It was almost time to head back. Both llgaz and Ceylin decided to return in order to not completely blow off llgaz's classmates. Upon their return and some mingling, Ceylin being her competitive self challenged the guys to a volleyball match. Girls Vs. Boys. Ceylin knew they had a shot because all the girls were on the volleyball team in university, and even though she didn't play on a competitive team, she knew she had a killer serve. The boys agreed and a net was set up in the sand. Boys on one side, girls on the other. The match begins, a smash by llgaz earns the boys team a point. 1-0 is the score. As they continue the game, the boys keep their score just above the girls. 8-3, 10-6, 16-13. They are so close, yet llgaz's competence/ talent for everything was ruining Ceylin's prediction and victory. Slightly impressed, but also highly competitive Ceylin remained hopeful that when it was her turn to serve she would be able to even out, and eventually outscore the boys. The game wen't on, 20-15 and then it was finally Ceylin's turn. As the boys tried to position themselves, Ceylin threw the ball in the air and whacked it. It flew right across llgaz's face and touched the sand. "point for us" ceylin exclaimed. The boys were all in shock, if they could, their open mouths would have reached the floor. They were all impressed by her serve, but especially one person made it known he was impressed. Ceylin's serve tore through the scoreboard and the girls won 25-20. Victory was in the pocket, and once llgaz gave ceylin a very lustful look. Impressed and proud he was of his girl. After all she's been through, her determination in volleyball is what she also shows in life and he couldn't be more proud to call her: MY WIFE.

After the volleyball match everyone was tired and so each couple chose to go their separate ways. Almost night time, while the others went to rest, llgaz and Ceylin wanted to take a walk. Hand in hand, fingers clasped they walked alongside the beach. Wind in their hair, sand between their toes and the sounds of the sea at their side, the two face each other and kiss on the lips. Ceylin then laughs. "What?" llgaz says. Ceylin not being able to hold her laughter any longer says: " remember our initial meetings, how stubborn we both were. I even told you that you aren't my type, and you reassured me that I wasn't yours. Now look at us! We can't keep our hands off each other". Llgaz began to laugh. "You are so right, we definitely can't keep our hands to ourselves!" As llgaz says that, he lifts Ceylin up, puts her over his shoulder and runs back to their room. 

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