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 ʏᴏᴜ sighed, shaking your head at the sight of your forearm being covered with red scratches. You turned to look at Yeye who was resting on the couch, his eyes looking at you innocently as if he hadn't just spent the past few days scratching and biting the hell out of your skin.

 You tilted your head, a hand on your hip as you looked at him. He looked so cute, you couldn't even bring yourself to get angry at him. You shook your head patronizingly before heading to the kitchen to prepare yourself a simple breakfast before heading out to the campus for a morning lecture.

 You finished your toast in less than ten minutes, allowing you some free time to look over your assignments before heading out. Yeye was cuddled up on the couch next to you, his eyes closing as he began to enter slumber.

 Once time had arrived, you petted Yeye goodbye, leaving the apartment with your belongings. The day wasn't a bad one. In fact, it was quite peaceful. Your morning lecture went smoothly and you even had your lecturer praise you on your recent work.

 When you went out for practice, you received the same sentiment from your superiors. You felt proud of yourself.

 Always having been the studious type, you thoroughly found yourself enjoying earning compliments and praises, especially for things you worked hard for. And if spending hours on end lacking sleep and proper rest wasn't hard work, you weren't sure what was.

 You knew how unhealthy it was to do such things but not everyone was blessed with the brain of a genius. You needed to work hard to get to where you were. You always had to do that.

 And over the course of your lifetime, you found it rather addicting. Like it was something you needed in life.

 You never remembered a day when you weren't told that you needed to succeed. You never remembered a day when you never felt a need to hold on to that for the rest of your life.

 But it wasn't to say that you never had moments of wanting to let everything go. To stop studying, to stop working hard...

 Stop and just live.

 But you needed it. Without it all, you would only feel empty. 

 And even at your age, you still couldn't let go of that addiction of yours. You knew that's why you're mostly alone in your life. Apart from your parents, you didn't have anyone else. Not a partner, not a friend, just you.

 You were an only child so siblings were out of the question. Your cousins were mostly much older than you, the age gap creating an invisible barrier within your relationships with them.

 As for a friend, you never really got yourself attached to creating close friends because all throughout school, you've always thought such things were unimportant. Because the only thing important to you was to succeed in your studies.

 As for romantic partners, they all left you for that reason as well. Yet you never thought to change that part of yourself. Whenever they'd ask for you to stop being so studious and spend more time with them, you just thought that the latter was less important than the former. And so they'd leave. 

'Why am I analyzing my entire life story while I'm literally just trying to get to the pet store. Get your head straight, Y/N,' you thought internally to yourself.

 Your head peeked up, eyes scanning over the front of your car from the driver's seat as you got the car into the narrow parking spot. Yes, you had decided to visit the pet store once more. But it was only because you felt bad that Yeye had to be locked up in the apartment the whole time you were out for classes and your practices at the clinic.

My Girl. | A Chifuyu Matsuno FanFiction. | Tokyo Revengers.Where stories live. Discover now