Chapter Six | Seeing

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Dedicated to Lauren for the beautiful banner-thanks luv, you're so wonderful!


Chapter Six



            Hills spread out in every direction, and snow fell in drifts around them. The Delacour-Weasley family walked through the gate towards the Burrow, glowing from within, laughter drifting out into the chilly air. Inside Molly and Arthur Weasley had all their children and grandchildren, along with a few close friends, packed in. The small cottages they’d built when they realized there would never be enough room were full as well, a cottage for each couple and a few more for guests, children filling up the rooms.

“Bill!” Molly opened the door of the Burrow and hugged her son, then his wife and each child in turn, including Teddy. “Come in, come in all of you! My goodness Teddy, don’t you look like the happiest man on earth? And Victoire, my darling-look at that exquisite ring! Louis, I swear you’re getting taller each time I see you! Such a handsome young man.” When she saw Dominique, her face portrayed distress, but Molly Weasley had always been good at putting on a happy and brave face for he loved ones. “Dominique, love…you’re looking very skinny; why, you’re thinner than my wand!”

“Don’t be silly Gran,” Dom said, embracing her “I’m fine.”

“You always are,” patting her granddaughter’s cheek, Molly ushered the family into the living room, which was nearly bursting already. Usually Dominique would be hanging out with Victoire, but she was with Teddy and some of their aunts and uncles; she would talk with Molly or Fred, but they were fifteen and although all the cousins all got along fabulously, Dom didn’t really feel like talking to them. Really, she just wanted to spend as much time as possible with Victoire, but her sister was slowly growing up in a way Dom couldn’t connect with.

“Here Dominique, have one.” Her Uncle Charlie said, handing her a flute of champagne “Your Dad said you’re old enough now, and who doesn’t like a little fun on Christmas Eve, eh?”

“Thanks Uncle Charlie, but I’m okay.”

“C’mon Dom, you don’t have to drink it all; maybe you’ll lighten up a bit.” Although Charlie had been deemed the black sheep of the family a long time ago, he had always been Dom’s favourite uncle; something about hiding up in the mountains with dragons seemed so mysterious and romantic. “Is school getting you down?” he asked, sitting beside her on the stairs. Below them the party was going full out, platters of cookies and pastries floating through the air and music playing, kids running around and adults just a little tipsy.

“Not school, no.”


Dom let out a laugh “Yes, but in the way you’re thinking. My best friend, Ben…he’s just not acting like himself.”

“What do you mean?”

Sipping her champagne, Dom shrugged “He and my other best friend, Felicity, they’re both just…they keep on worrying about me when I don’t need to be worried about.”

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