Chapter Ten | Suffocating

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Dedicated to Anna; get well soon dearie. I hope you have friends as lovely as Ben and Felicity to help you along.

I'm thinking of you <3

Chapter Ten


    The hair was white and long, covering Dom’s arms and legs; it wasn’t thick, but sporadic.

Stretching her arms out in front of her, Dom studied them; why was the hair there? Had someone slipped her a potion? She couldn’t walk around with hair all over! Luckily it wasn’t on her face.

Class would be starting in half an hour and she hurriedly pulled on some tights and a long sleeve shirt to cover it up. ‘I hate wearing tights’ she thought, grabbing a jumper from the side of the tub. ‘They make legs look fatter then they already do.

“Dom, hurry up!” Felicity pounded on the door “We’re going to be late!”

“Coming!” Dom shouted, and she opened the bathroom door.

Looking her up and down, Felicity gave Dom a funny look “Won’t you be hot? It’s getting warm out, and Trelawney’s class is always stuffy.”

Shrugging, Dom slung her book bag over her shoulder and they left the dorm “I’m cold, that’s all.”

“Do you at least want to wear a short sleeve shirt under that jumper?”

“No, Felicity. I’m fine.”

“I just thought-”

“Well you thought wrong.” Snapped Dom, speeding up and frowning.

“Good morning!” Ben said, sidling up to them “How’re we this fine day?”

“Fine.” Grumbled Dom, not looking him in the eye-she hadn’t once in the two weeks since they’d got back from Easter break.

“Won’t you be hot in that jumper?” Ben asked “Trelawney’s class is always-”

“Don’t you start!” Dom spat, huffing and walking faster, leaving them behind.

Looking over at Felicity, Ben raised an eyebrow “What’s up with her?”

“I already went there this morning.” Felicity said with a sigh “And what’s going on with you two, anyway? Dom doesn’t look at you anymore.”

“You tell me.” He said, wondering if keeping their kiss from Felicity-their best friend-was really the right thing to do. “But if you can get her to say more than three words to me, then you really are a miracle worker.”

            There was a fire burning in Dom’s stomach, churning unpleasantly and painfully-every time she moved pain shot through her. The room was still dark, since the girls were prone to shutting the curtains when the sun rose earlier and earlier each day as the year came to a close-only a short six weeks away.

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