Chapter Eight | Dreaming & Reality

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Chapter Eight

Dreaming & Reality


    It was raining. It seemed to be raining every day, all day-the snow had long ago melted, and students had begun to become bothered. Everyone moved in a rather sluggish state, and lessons became more of a chore than usual-Easter break was looking very appealing.

Dom had just finished throwing up the little breakfast she had eaten, and Felicity’s instance, and opened the bathroom door to find her friend sitting on her own four poster bed, knees held to her chest.

“Hey.” Felicity said.


“Come sit, I want to talk to you.”

Crossing the room, Dom sat on Felicity’s bed; the two friends looked at each other for a few moments. “What do you want to talk about?” she asked, a little suspicious.

“I have a serious question to ask you.”

“Okay, shoot.” Dom was a little impatient with Felicity now; first she bothered her all the time to eat, now this.

Biting her lip nervously, Felicity glanced away from Dom “Are…Dominique, are you pregnant?”

Dom just stared at her friend for a few moments, then burst out laughing “Are you-kidding-me?” she giggled, hiccupping slightly with laughter “If I thought I was pregnant you’d be the first to know!”

Felicity’s shoulders relaxed and she smiled sheepishly “Sorry, it’s just…you’ve been acting weird, and I’ve noticed you haven’t had the red curse for a few months-you know we all get it at the same time.”

Shrugging, Dom hugged Felicity tightly “It’s just stress, Fellie; it happens to me, you know that. I’ve never been regular anyway.”

Letting out a relieved sigh, Felicity nodded “I know, and I’m sorry-I’ve been such a bother to you lately.”

“Neither of us have been exactly peachy, so lets just forget it. The rest of the girls are planning a fun night anyway-let’s enjoy that, eh?”

The girls smiled and hugged a little longer, then broke apart. “How about we let Ben beat us at chess, or go watch the practises-it’s always fun to see them get all wet.”

“And muddy!”

The girls giggled, linked arms and left the dorm-not another word about eating or non existent pregnancies were mentioned for the rest of the day.

            “And Wood saves another brilliant goal! It seems Gryffindor is in for the win once again, especially with this future Quidditch star on the team!”

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