chapter nine: mapping out the plan.

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(Small A/N in this Raine never got captured and stuff, so the other coven heads don't know he worked with the others. Anyways)

Luz, Eda, and King were walking through bones burrow. Eda had her staff, just in case they got into trouble.

"Who are we even looking for?" Luz asked, wanting to know more about the person Eda seemed to know.

"Well...oh there they are." Eda pointed to a person with light blue hair, glasses, and bard coven clothing on.

"He's in the bard coven?" Luz questioned, but Eda was already walking up to them.

"Hi." They said, noticing Eda

"Hey Raine, we need your help." Eda said, Raine give her a confused look.

"Ok, let's go somewhere more private." They said, gesturing for the trio to follow them.

Eda nodded. "Alright."

After walking for a while, they were at the BATTs' secret hideout. It was empty seeing as the other members were caught. Raine walked to a table and gestered for them to sit as they did so.

"So before we get into business, care to introduce me to your kids Eda?" Raine asked, looking at the witch in question.

Eda blushed slightly for a moment. "Luz, King, this is Raine. They're an old friend of mine." Eda said.

Luz smiled. "His Raine! I'm Luz! Nice to meet you and learn more about Era's mysterious past." Luz said, shaking Raine's hand.

Raine chuckled. "Mysterious back story huh? Does it involve your curse?" Raine asked.

Before Eda could answer, king spoke up. "Hey what about me?! I am King! I have a screeching power!" He said proudly.

Raine laughed again. "So why are you guys here?" Raine asked, the atmosphere of the room suddenly changing into a more serious one from the light and playful one before.

"Well, uh, you see....there's a kid in the Emperor's coven" Luz started and Rained looked shocked at the aspect of a kid in that coven. "Well, he's more of a teen, but still. He's in trouble and we need to get him out." Luz said, looking at the ground sadly.

Thankfully Eda took over for her. "He was sick and we helped him get better, but we noticed some things during his stay." Eda explained further before Raine could ask.

"Ah I see. How can I help?" Raine asked in a determined tone.

"Well we need info. And maps, and since you're the head of the bard coven; and you aren't fond of the emperor i was hoping you could help." Eda said, looking at him hopefully.

"Of course! I'll help in any way I can! I kid should not be in that coven." Raine said, his tone slightly angry.

"Thank you." Eda and Luz said at the same time.

Raine chuckled. "Of course. I'll let you know when I have the maps and info, but feel free to stop by anytime." Raine said.

Eda nodded and they left, leaving Raine alone with his thoughts.


Hunter was sitting on his windowsill, looking out at the bars and beyond. He sighed, he wasn't feeling all that well. He didn't sleep last night at all, not has he eaten yet. Hunter just couldn't, the overwhelming feeling of being trapped distracted him. He had cleaned and wrapped his wounds; though every time he moved or walked they protested, a sharp burning pain shooting through his body. (Imma use little Rascal's real name cause I wanna) flapjack had started to worry about hunter. He spent pretty much all of this time at the windowsill, not doing anything else.

Just then, Hunter heard the door unlock and open. Someone walked inside.

"I'm not hungry kiki." Hunter absent mindedly said, still staring out the window.

The person cleared their throat. "I'm actually here to talk to you." They said.

Hunter tensed, his head whipping around to look at the unfamiliar voice. The source was the head of the Bard coven.

"What do you want?" Hunter spat, he was getting defensive.

Raine put his hands up like Eda had done, trying to calm Hunter down. "Wish! Easy there. I'm Raine and I just want to talk." Raine said, his concern for the boy growing, seeing the huge bags under his eyes and how small he seemed.

Hunter glared at him. "Hunter." He mumbled, his attention back to the window.

Raine took this as a sign that he could stay, walking over to hunter and sitting across from him on the windowsill.

"You seemed tired, are you ok?" Raine asked, easing into his pile of questions.

"I'm FIne." Hunter's voice cracked a bit. Why was Raine being nice to him? He didn't deserve his kindness. Did he?

"Ok then. I have some questions, do you think you can answer them?" Raine asked casually.

Hunter's body stiffened. Ah he thought; this is an interrogation. Hunter tried to go panic, was he going to be finished by Belos if he didn't answer? Was this a test?

Raine seemed to sense his panic. "Hey it's ok, the questions are about you. You do not have to answer if you don't wish." They said, smiling at hunter.

Hunter looked at Raine. What did he do to deserve this kindness? All he did was hurt people and locked them up. "Ok." He said softly.

"Well let's start off easy. How'd you get here?" Raine asked gently.

"I was alone; and belos found me. He took me in. He's my uncle." Hunter explained cautiously.

"Interesting. Ok, next. How'd you get your palisman?" Raine fired another question, seeing Flapjack on the bed.

Hunter stiffened even more. "He uh, came to me and won't leave me alone. And for some reason I can't handle him over to Belos." Hunter said meekly.

Raine seemed to often at that, seeing the shift in attitude. "Hey, it's ok. That just means you care for him. That's normal." Raine assured Hunter, giving him a small smile.

"Oh..." Hunter said, like this was a new idea for him.

"What his name?" Raine continued.

"Flapjack." Hunter smiled a little his attention fully on Raine.

"Ohhhh that's so cute!" Raine said, and Hunter looked confused. "You don't know what a Flapjack is, do you?" Raine realized.

Hunter shook his head. "No" he whispered.

Raine chuckled. "It's a breakfast food. They're also called pancakes. Flapjacks are like a type of sweet bread, and a lot of people eat them with syrup, which is a sweet dark brown liquid sauce kinda thing." Raine explained.

Hunter was starting to think Raine wasn't all that bad. Maybe they're a good person.


Hahahaha that is where I end it! Hello my sparkling little rainbows! I hope you guys are having a good day! And I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I don't have much to say except sorry for the lousy flapjack explanation. Please comment and vote! Anyways until next time Audios😸

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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