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"Manoban have you seen the new movie released today?"

Chu is here in Jennie's house to hang out and asking me to go out. We're here in the living room watching Juno as she crawls in every part of the house.

"Is there a singing princess on it? A talking snowman? A thief prince charming? An evil mother? Fairies? If not, then my answer is, no. Go away, Ana!" I picked up Juno who is now almost out of the door.

"Hahaha not so fast, Elsa. So, you singalong now with them?" Chu laughing at me.

"Yeah, you will too. If you keep on hearing them every day of your life."

Jennie once played the Frozen movie for Juno to watch and man... I tell you.

Jennie bought all the Disney, Pixar, Dream Works princesses movies after she saw how Juno giggles and make cute noises when watching. Then that's the day I said goodbye to my TV series binge watching and forever lived with the evil mom-daughter tandem.

"Juno, please don't go that far, your Mom will beat me." I put her down and she's on her way to the door again.

"You've been stuck here every weekend for almost 8 months. It's just one night out." Chu now picking up Juno.

"Did Chaeng agree to this?" I asked Chu as I get my daughter's toys. Jennie will kick me if I will not clean this mess when she arrives.

"Yes. It's my birthday, idiot. But I didn't tell her where." Chu grinning. "I can ask Jennie for you."

"LISA! JUNO IS ATTHE DOOR AGAIN!!!" Speaking of the dev...

"Oh, shit! Chu! Why did you put Spiderman down!"

Jennie picked up Juno and ready to punch me.

"Hi, Love. I was about to get her. I'll get the groceries." I immediately approach Juno's mom who's glaring at me now.

"Hey, Jennie. Lisa wants to ask you something." Chu uttered and walked beside me.

I stopped before I go out of the door and peeked at them. This motherfucker, she just offered me a while ago that she'll ask on my behalf!

"What's that, Lisa?" She asked me while she puts Juno on her crib.

"The fuck Chu! You told me you'll be the one to ask her!" I whispered and smacked her head.

"Dude, your girlfriend changes face to a scary villain when she shouts. Now go and ask her. I'll stay here at the door."

I don't have a choice, do I? I approach Jennie and hug her from her back.

"You tired, love? I told you I can do the groceries for you."

Jennie faced me hands on her waist.

"Oh yeah? The last time you did, you got my instructions 2 out of 10 correct. And oh, you got it all correct one time, but you left the groceries in the store. How genius is that?"

She raised her point finger in my nose. She's not done. Nope.

"I asked you to buy a specific brand of of Juno's soap? You buy a brand that you said it 'sounds like' the brand that I want. And! Whenever you go at the grocery store you always said that there's none but when I got there poof! It's all in there with lots of stocks. Did those items hide when they see you Lisa? Hurry! Lisa Manoban is coming let's get out of her sight!"

I just closed my eyes. It's all true. I really don't have an idea when I go on a trip in the groceries. It's like a battlefield between me and the type, brands, colors, sizes.

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