Chapter 13

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Warnings: Language


My paws pounded the ground as I sprinted through the woods riding the high of another evening with Emerson. The past few weeks had maybe been the best of my life and I don't think I had ever been happier. Getting to know her was more than I could have imagined, she was truly an amazing woman. She was incredibly strong I could tell that and she had this huge heart but she didn't always wear it on her sleeve. I could tell she wasn't big on being vulnerable but I was happy she was starting to open up more, to trust me but I knew there was still more she was holding back. I didn't push her though because I still had my secrets too.

Regardless of the imprint bond I was in it deep with Emerson. I knew that I was drawn to her anyway. Hell when I first saw before we locked eyes I thought she was gorgeous. Now after getting to know her these past few weeks everything I had initially felt had just kept growing. I was scared shitless but I knew I was in love with her, I realized it when she stayed for dinner the first time at our house.

Seeing her interact with my Dad and help him in the kitchen, just the way she talked so comfortably with us it felt like she was always meant to be there. As much as I had liked Bella she always had this awkwardness about her, she never quite fit but seeing Emerson in our kitchen instantly reminded me of my mom. I knew without a doubt her and Emerson would have gotten along. Dad already adored her, he loved the extra company and her cooking. Whenever I'd have dinner at her house she always sent me back home with leftovers for him. I had come to realize that was Emerson though, always thinking of others.

When I first met her I was terrified. I was afraid she'd reject me or just not want to even be friends. I couldn't have imagined we'd be this close this fast. I was mind blown that just a few weeks later Emerson and I were more than just acquaintances or friends we were dating. Well I guess we hadn't officially had that conversation but it was implied...

"How about you man up and just ask her to be your girlfriend?" Leah said in my head as she phased in. I kept running in the direction of the reservation so we could start running patrol, which up until a couple weeks ago we hadn't done daily in ages. Some leech or leeches had been getting a little too close to the boarders of the reservation as well Emerson's house. We weren't sure if this was the new leech the Cullen's "adopted", friends of his or just nomads passing through.

The whole pack was in agreement we wouldn't be taking any chances though our job was to protect the people and that's what we would do especially our Imprints. I just hoped this situation would be resolved quickly because not spending the night with Emerson was killing me. Well...not doing a lot of things with Emerson was testing my will power to the absolute limits.

"Thanks for the commentary Leah." I growled back.

"Hey I'm just trying to help you. And you know you're going to have to tell her about all this, sooner rather than later..."

"I know." Leah and I had become a lot closer since Emerson came into my life. I hated to admit it but I had been going to her for a lot of advice lately. Leah was way more compassionate than people knew. She put up this tough girl front to everyone but getting closer to her I was beginning to see through it. I was beginning to understand how being a part of the pack was harder than she let on and other than Seth she wasn't close to anyone else. I felt kinda bad for being kinda a dick to her before but I was thankful her and I had an understanding now, sorta like a friendship, we had each other's backs.

"I know you don't wanna fuck this all up but the longer you put it off the harder it will be. Look at all the guys, eventually their imprints came around, I'm sure she will too."

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