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The sun was hidding behind the rain clouds, It was pouring down rain, Lighting and thunder. By the highway sat a little white house, And inside this house was a boy,

A boy who just shot his dad and older sister.

He had to, But that didn't make it hurt any less. His mom, she left him as soon as his dad turned into that thing, And when it bit his older sister, Jane. He had to shoot both of them, His mom said "Kill them before they kill you."

But wasn't killing his family a little to much to ask for your nine year old son to do?

He couldn't bring himself to do this until he had to, Until they were gonna kill him. Thats why he shot them in the head, He didnt mean to, You have to believe him.

Maybe thats how he got into this position, The gun that was his dad, The same one he shot his dad and sister with, The gun was aimed at his younger brothers head. He got bit, Mike got bit. Milo was not gonna make the mistake he made with jane, He had to kill mike before mike killed him.

But Mikes green eyes were filled with sadness, the salty tears falling down his face. How could milo kill his five year old brother? He couldn't and he knew it.

Then mike pounced, He jumped towards Milo, So he did what came naturally he shot him, he shot his little brother right in between the eyes.

Mike dropped to the floor, So did milo he fell on his knees right beside mike.

"Im so sorry, mikey."  He whispered a thousand times, Nobody could hear him. He was in a room full of dead people, People he killed.

The tears never stopped, they kept falling until the salty taste they left was a familiar almost comforting taste.

He moved to a corner and just sat against the wall, and just cried till he threw up,

He stayed in the room where he killed them until someone came and saved him.

Milo has been with these people for a month, ever since Glenn found him.
He knew of the other people but didn't really talk to them only glenn, And sometimes daryl.

Then one day he got bored so he went walking, He didnt tell anyone he didn't believe he needed to. I mean daryl leaves all the time without telling, so why should  he?

Now that i look back i see why, Daryl is a grown man and im just a little boy.

The thing showed up out of nowhere, like it came from the dust itself.

Milo didn't know what to do, He left the gun in his and glenns tent. Now he was regretting ever getting scared of that stupid gun.

He didn't want to scream he knew they reacted to noise, like dogs on drugs. But it already saw me, so i dont know why i didn't do anything. Maybe i was scared or just stupid,

Both make you do crazy things.

It came at me and all i did was stand there like a deer in headlights, Stupid im so stupid.

I didn't scream till it sunk its teeth into my leg, Right below my knee.

I screamed, I mean what else was i meant to do?

Talk to it, Give it a name?

Then it fell, Its just fell to the ground. I guess i really tasted bad. Then daryl showed up, Turns out he was stalking the thing like it was a deer.

"Oh my fucking-" He looked at my leg and then the thing.

He walked towards me and then kicked the thing, Which i found dramatic since the creature had a arrow in his head.

"Where did it get you?"

I showed him, He didnt look scared or anything he looked like nothing. No expression at all on his face.

"Okay, we can cut it off without you losing to much." He mumbled. "I mean you still gonna lose alot, But you'll still have have the upper half of your leg."

I looked at him like he was crazy, How could he say it so casually, And anyways nobody at camp knows how to cut of limbs. I definitely dont trust Daryl to do it.

"Are you mental? My leg-"

"You can cut off the leg below your knee or you can become a man eating monster." He gestured towards the dead guy, Kinda sad if im being honest imagine dying twice. "The choice is yours."

I looked at the thing with the arrow in his face.

"Who really needs their leg anyway."

Daryl looked at me and i could've swore there was a small smile on his face.

"Thats the spirit kid, Now im gonna pick you up. Itll be quicker if we run."

"Hey daryl there you are-"

"Not now dale, We gotta cut of this kids leg."

Glenn came over with a confused look,

"Whos leg?" Then he saw me. "Milo, why are you carrying him?"

"Whos leg you think we gonna cut off?"

Daryl passed me to glenn so now glenns holding me.

"Where is the best place to put him?" Daryl asked dale. "He got bit under the knee on his left leg, we can cut it off-"

"Do you even know how to cut off a leg?" Asked a person i didnt know, He must've been new.

Daryl stopped pacing around to look at the man, Im not sure how to explain him, If im being honest.

"And who are you?"

"Shane, Shane Walsh."

Daryl turned so he was fully facing shane.

"Wheres my brother, He might know how to cut his leg off."

It was starting to feel real hot, i started to get really sweaty-

"There isnt any time." Glenn said while looking at me. "Dale go get some pillows, Will just have to do it here."

"I know how to cut off legs."

They all looked at shane like he was crazy, i dont blame them. I mean he is new here. So do we trust him?

By this time dale got back and glenn layed me on the pillows.

"Listen i used to work for the police department, I know these things."

Everything was getting hazy and was mixing all together,

Then i saw a boy, One around my age.
He came and sat by me,

"Im carl and your Milo, Its okay. It will be over before you know it."

And then i passed out.

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