:) Chapter eight

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Third Entry

They all came came back this time daryl was with them, I assume they killed the walker and the deer daryl was most likely hunting that deer. They walked right past me and carl who were sitting under a shady tree because it was really hot outside today. Hopefully it wont be to cold tonight, They walked up to the rv and daryl began to shout for hes brother merle. Oh this wouldnt be good, I was gonna get up and leave so i wouldnt have to watch whatever was gonna happen but before i could get up carl tapped me on the shoulder.

"I got you something." He said as he went through hes pocket, I was kinda scared the last time he said he had something for me it was a worm. "Hold on- I almost- There it is." He pulled it out of hes pocket a white ribbon, I remember it being the same ribbon tying the door to the treehouse shut when we first got here, I did for a little bit wonder what he did with it.

"Stick out your hand." I did as he asked he gently grabbed my wrist and pulled it to hes lap and placed in down on hes criss crossed legs as he gently tied the ribbon around it, He stuck hes finger in between the ribbon and my wrist. "Not to tight?"

"No its actually very light, I can hardly feel it." I smiled as i pulled my arm back to me i looked at the ribbon. I liked the way carl tied it, The top kinda looked like a bow, It was very pretty.

"Now we match." Carl smiled as he stuck out hes hand that had the flower bracelet that i made him, I put my arm that had the ribbon on it by hes arm and smiled, Like we almost didnt die a few minutes ago.

How did i end up knee deep in lake water? Is something i thought i would never ask myself or anyone, I had jeans on covering both my legs mainly because i didn't want my fake leg to get caught on anything, Anyways here i was with carl knee deep in water while shane stayed on the shore, Now what sense does that make? None but whatever, I held the net as carl was meant to- Im not actually sure what he was meant to do.

But we both were knee deep in lake water while Shane bossed us around, I mean i dont know who he's talking to. Has he kissed a frog? Nope but who has? Me.

"I ain't got anything." Carl complained. I dont blame him, I can't even see my reflection in this water, Which tells me all i need to know.

"I cant even see anything." I grumbled, i lifted the net up and gloomy water fell through it. I mean maybe frogs would hide in this, But i would think that they would have a little self respect and go in nicer looking water.

"Yeah, Being all wily, staying submerged. Little suckers know somethings up. Thats whats going on." Shane nodded. "We are gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way, All right, Little mans look you both are the key in all of this, Okay? All im gonna do is im gonna go after one of them, All right, Scare them. They are in fact gonna scatter, Im gonna drive them yalls way, Okay?"

I nodded while putting the net back in the water, "All right." Carl nodded and stood behind me, I looked at him and he just shrugged, "You have the net, I dont."

"What you both need to do is you need to round every bad boy you see, All right? Carl you can catch them with your hands or you and milo can switch and you have the net. Are you with me?"

"Yeah" I said as carl snatched the net from me.

"Yeah, Yeah." Carl said as he moved the net under water, He totally rolled hes eyes.

"Are you ready? Here we go, Boys. Here we go"

Then shane started splashing the maybe not clean water at us, Carl was laughing while i was more trying not to get covered in it, So i was hiding behind carl while he was laughing and mostly getting splashed. I already break out in hives when i lie, I dont want to know what happens when this water touches my face.

"All right, Therye coming yalls way! Go on get em, Get em." I maybe not started to laugh to as shane got in the water and began to splash around, So yeah i also started to laugh as well. "Catch them frogs, Catch them! Therye coming yalls way, Little mans, Get em, Get em in the net!" Carl and me both couldnt stop laughing and shane had a big smile on hes face, "Get that net in there and get em! What have you got, Bad boys? What do yall got?"

"Dirt" Carl said as he dumped the net and slushy muddy dirt fell out of it, "I just got very soaked clothes." I grumbled as my clothes dripped water, I was really scared that i would break out in hives, Well lets hope i dont.

"Oh boy, All right. Weve got to start over." Shane sighed. "Weve got to start over come on, Lets go find a bucket."

I saw lori walk towards us, I hope she didnt wanna come into the water i know how easy she breaks out, And like ive mentioned a ton im not sure this water is all that clean. I didnt want lori to be bedridden in hives, That would suck i mean her husband that she thought was dead turns out to be alive, I wouldnt want to be bedridden if that happened to me.

"Hey, Carl and milo." She waved at me before looking back at carl, With a very tough look. "What did i tell you about not leaving Dales sight?"

"But shane said we could go catch frogs, Remember?"

"It doesnt matter what shane says, It matters what i say" Lori stood her ground, Like she should. I slowly crept out of the water. Still dripping water everywhere. "Go on back to camp, Ill be right behind you,
She looked at me. "You should probably go back to camp with him and change into dry clothes."

"That sounds wonderful." I sighed as me and carl went back up to camp, I really hope i dont get hives.

I changed into nice dry clothes, It felt so much better an dry. So far no hives which is very good, I dont have my epi pen anymore. Thats one of the main reasons ive been trying to not to lie since i wouldnt be able to use it and just be covered in hives.

I left the tent and saw andrea and amy had alot of fish with them, I hope they dont taste bad, I mean if they were in the lake they might have a strong aftertaste.

Carl ran at me, "Milo, Milo! Did you see the fish?" He almost ran right into me if he didn't stop. "Huh? Did ya see em?"

"Yes i saw them, I mean how could you miss them?" I sat down in front of my tent and put my dryish shoes back on. Carl nodded happily, As i reached back in the tent and grabbed the ribbon, I didn't wear into the lake for obvious reasons why would i wear a ribbon into a lake and let it get wet.

Lori and Andrea, Amy were talking. Carl yelled, "Can you teach me out to fish?" I covered my ears, "Goodness couldn't you give someone a warning?"

Amy came and squatted infront of us, "Yeah, Ill teach both of you if you want, Milo?"

I nodded, "sure sounds fun."

"Cool, Ill teach you both how to fish, knots and stuff." She looked up at lori. "If thats all right?"

"You wont see me complaining."

Amy nodded and looked back at me, "You think glenn will mind?"

"I don't think he would." I said, "i could ask him when he gets back."

"Sounds like a deal." Amy said as she stood up and walked off with her sister.

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