Big issue underneath whats hidden

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Little note from the writer, sometimes i forgot how hard it was to think of ideas. This part alone took me around maybe a week just splurging shit out, so sorry if i take abit longer i do have another story too.

Ive always had issues with thinking of stories in my mind, then having to put them down on paper or shit, my ADHD brain is not working today. So time to blast music at 2am and try to write some shit.

Albedo walks out to where the others are, he stands next to Ayaka as Aether and Paimon are on the couch.

He stretches, his jumper lifts up, Aether notices and craws over to him and pokes his stomach.

Albedo gets startled, "Hey!" Exlames Albedo looking down at him, he gives a funny sturn look.

Aether laughs, as the others do too. He stands up on the couch and hugs Albedo.

Aether looks at Albedo and kisses him, "not too much the others are here" says Albedo winking.

Aether sits back on the couch pouting yet flustered that Albedo dared to say something that Stunned him so.

Albedo adjusts his jumper, he watches the others drink their drinks.

"Im sorry Albedo did you want one?" Asks Lumine.

"No its okay" says Albedo with a Nice Smile.

Lumine nods.

HAHA HELLO! Uh so i ran outta ideas for this part, and got a story idea in my head rn im desperate to write before i forget. So yes sorry time skip anyways i might start doing povs idk never really liked them. And found it hard but never hurts to try maybe.

Anyways back to the story, sorry for taking up your time.


"Im..heading there now if you wanna come with me.." says Lumine catching her breath.

Albedos eyes widen, "What do you mean Trouble, Are they okay?" Says Albedo grabbing his jacket and starts running with Lumine.

He puts it on while running, "There was some..huff..i dont know, but Amber told me to get you. No one is telling me anything!" Exlames lumine in a annoyed voice.

Albedo notices, "its okay..atleast i hope so.."

Once they get there

"Guys! Hurry" Exlames Amber waving over.

Aether is sitting on the ground bloody, he looks up "Aether! Paimons worried why are you like this?!?" Says Paimon worried shaking him.

He tries to stand up, "it doesn't matter, it was just the abyss order, they already left no biggie." He says Limping away.

Albedo gets slightly pissed off, "Aether." Says Albedo in a scary voice.

Everyone gets Startled, "Albedo..?" Says Aether turning around He starts walking faster then.

He tries running to Albedo but keeps almost tripping. Albedo walks closer to him as Aether runs into his arms.

Aether starts crying, "Im sorry! It was the abyss order..i.." Aether goes quiet.

"Its fine, dont feel mandatory to tell me. Just do it when you feel comfortable." Says Albedo Comforting him.

Aether notices he got blood on Albedos outfit, "ah! Sorry.." Aether looks over within seconds. His face changes as he wipes his tears away.

Aether tries run over to his sword, he trips as he picks it up. "CRAP YOU ALL GET BARBARA AND OTHERS FOR HELP" Yells Albedo as the others scram.

A Fatui walks over while Albedo is distracted and picks Aether up by his throat.

"LET..ME..GO YOU SCUM!" Aether stabs the Fatui in the gut as it yells in pain throwing him.

Albedo looks over with a angry gaze in his eyes, As he draws out his sword.

Aether stands up as he runs forward and jumps up in the air and pulls his sword above and slashes it clean through the Fatuis body As it starts disapearing.

After Aether lands he collapses, "AETHER!" Yells Albedo as he runs over.

Some monsters appear again, and he huddles infront of Aether covering him. As he takes in hits and slashes from the back.

Albedo groans but refuses to show weakness, the others apear and the monsters see the pile of people and start running away.

Albedo softens his grip on Aether and slouches over, "AETHER ALBEDO!" Lumine yells running over crying with Paimon.

She runs over and hugs them, just balling Aether wakes up, "mph..why does my whole body hurt..guys..?"

The others run over as Barbara tries her best to heal them, "for an odd reason my abilitys are kinda weak today..You all feel the same..?" They all nod as Barbara sighs in disappointment.

"Im sorry you two thats the best i can do, Albedo lets Aether fully go as he sits back breathing heavy with relief.

Paimon hugs Albedo, "Thank you.. for protecting him.." Paimon lets go and sits down next to them.

You both need to worry more, it could of been way worse. The others are gonna scope the area too see what could of led to this." Explains Jean as the others wonder off.

Albedo stands up as he takes off his bloody and destoryed jacket and shirt, "i took a big couple hits from the back." Says Albedo with a neutral expression.

Albedo turns around to look around, "that was so odd, not normally what the monsters do. Their has to be something big behind it." He says shaking his head.

"What do you mean Albedo, the monsters could just notice our abilitys are weaker. But Aether and I dont have visions so they must of did something with the environment? Asks Lumine holding Aether in her arms patting him.

"Sigh, more or guessing something or someone is behind this or its just something with the Abyss Order, and they're trying to get revenge on us."

Albedo sighs, "come on lets get going before something else happens." Exlames Albedo walking to Aether,
"May i carry him?" Asks Albedo crouching down to Lumine.

She nods and hands him over to let Albedo pick him up, he stands up and holds out his hand for Lumine which she uses to get up after grabbing Paimon.

On god this was fun to write, okay so im gonna lead with this story for quite abit wont be anything that relates to the game rn bc i just wanted to make something up. So i suppose enjoy! Ill try keep it kinda to my original writing but only time will tell.

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