Hanging out!

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Aethers gets out of the shower, dry's off, and changes, and walks out with his wet hair trailing behind him.

He gleefully unlocks the door and goes down the stairs, jumping the last four. He falls with a thump on the ground and dashes to the room where the others were.

"I've arrived!" As Aether smiles as he opens the door and makes a spectacular entrance, his hair slowly falls back down.

He laughs as he twists his head to the side and smiles a wide smile at the others. Aether enters the room and takes a seat next to Albedo.

Albedo adds, "Come sit on the ground in front of me and I'll dry your hair."

Aether nods with agreement, as he sits down in front of Albedo, "Lumine mind handing me the blow dryer?".

"Lumine mind handing me the blow dryer?" Aether asks as he sits in front of Albedo and nods in agreement.

"Sure! "She hands the blow dryer to Albedo and turns it on after plugging it in.

Albedo turns on the Dryer and starts to ruffle Aethers hair.

After they finish

"hey Aether?" Lumine asserts.

Aether replies, "Mhm?"

"So, how much do you guys kiss?" she asks with a grin.

"Why would you ask that sis!" exclaims Aether. Albedo laughs as he sets the dyer down and bends down to kiss Aether on the lips.

"Awh! You two are adorable "Ayaka explains. Albedo lets go and smiles at Aether, I love you." Albedo whispers. He lifts his head back up and lets go of Aethers face.

"Where are you guys heading out to today?" says Ayaka. "We're going to The Knights of Favonius, to pick up Klee and play in the snow."

Albedo says this as he bends down and grabs Aether's hand before sitting back up. Aethers face goes red as him and Albedo keep holding hands. "oh sick! Please tell Klee that I said hello!"

Albedo nods, moving his fingers in various directions while interlocking Aether's hand. With a startled expression on Aethers face, Aether glances up and faces Albedo Flustered. Albedo smiles while trying not to laugh, and he does it again and again in a sexual manner.

Aether gets more Flustered, so he stands up and pulls Albedo to the door, Albedo gets pulled up, he bursts out laughing following Aether.

Aether pulls Albedo up the stairs into the room, "did it turn you on?" says Albedo whispering into Aethers ear from behind. He flinches "Mhm.." He flinches "Mhm.." says Aether.

"Awh! "Albedo! your hands are cold..." Aether adds, as Albedo putts his hands up Aether's shirt. Aether moans. "Sorry, Aether," Albedo replies as he pulls one hand from his shirt and places it in his jeans.

"Ah! ALBEDO! mpf!" exclaims the Aether. "Come on.. w..we need to go get Klee.. id..like to walk ah~ come on I'm sick let me off this time," Aether says as his legs begin to feel weak. Albedo pulls his hand from his shirt and Pants.

"You pulled the sick card, so fine," Albedo says as he walks up to Aether and kisses him on the lips before sprinting away.

As he chases Albedo, Aether's face turns crimson once more. "GET BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLE!" exclaims Aether, who rushes out after him.

Albedo shouts, "PAIMON RUN OR FLY!" Paimon hurries behind Albedo and flies behind him, laughing his ass off.

They exit the front door and wait for the door to close, with Aether panting "cough cough."

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