Chaper one: new beginnings

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Derek Shepherd was your classic golden boy of the small town of Stars Hollow Connecticut. He was 16 and he helped old ladies cross the street and helped his father on weekends he didn't have baseball games. His father owned the hardware shop in the town. His mother stayed home to raise him and his four sisters. Nancy who was 18, Kathleen who was 14, Lizzie who was 10 and finally his favorite Amelia who was 7. She was young but she resembled Derek in so many ways. Today Derek was hanging out with his best friend and brother Mark. Mark's parents were never around so the Shepherd's took him in as their own. Derek and Mark were riding their bikes to The diner where they ate breakfast every morning. When they arrived they took their spots at their normal table close to the window.

"So Derek, how are you feeling about the game tonight? first game of the season, are you excited?" Mark asked curiously.

"Um.. I'm a little nervous but I'm sure it'll be fine" Derek answered as he was unsure but he was distracted by the unfamiliar car that had pulled up to the diner as the town was so small everyone just walked but the car looked as if it belonged to someone with money.

"Nervous? What have you got to be nervous about, man you're the best on the team!" Mark responded confidently.

"Yeah you're right." As he laughed awkwardly.

"Already gentleman you want the usual?" Jack the diner owner asked. Jack always wore a t-shirt with a flannel over and a backwards baseball cap.

"Yeah but instead of a soda can I have some coffee" Derek counters as he didn't get much sleep because of the big game.

"Yeah, Mark?"  Jack asked as he wrote on his notepad.

"Uh, can I get the same as usual?" Mark said as he noticed the car too.

"Yeah be back in a sec," Jack  said as he left the brothers alone.

"Derek, look at that car, I want one!" Mark exclaimed

"Yeah I know it's sick!"

"That's not the only thing, look at that babe!"

"Yeah.." as Derek knew Mark got all the girls at school because he was quarterback and all the girls just adored him and Derek was on the baseball team and was smart so he was considered a geek. Did he mention he also played the sax. So he knew he didn't have a chance. He didn't even know how to talk to girls much less flirt.

They got out of the car and it was a middle aged guy with a blond woman and there were three kids: a teen, a preteen and a kid. Looked like your average happy family. They all walked in the diner and the few people who were in there were staring because as I said before this was a small town and everyone knows everyone. They took a seat at the other side of the diner and started looking at the menus. The oldest daughter looked up and was met with Derek's gaze and he quickly looked down at his lap.

"Here ya go if you need anything else just let me know" Jack said as he sat down the breakfast on the table.

"Thank you." Derek said looking up, noticing the girl looking at him giving him a sweet smile and waving subtly. A smile spread across his face as he waved but when brought his hand back down it hit his coffee cup spilling all over his crotch. "crap" he mumbled. Standing up.

"Dude what's wrong with you" mark snickered at Derek's actions

Derek shot him a death glare then looking at the girl who was across the diner who had her hand over her mouth. And he couldn't help but laugh at his stupidity.

"I'll get you some more coffee but you are cleaning that up" Jack pointed at Derek and he nodded. And cleaned it up. When he and Mark were leaving he noticed the girl getting up and following them out. "Wait!" He heard someone yell as he picked up his bike. He looked back and saw her. He smiled and said "yeah?"

"Hey" she said

"Why hello there you must be new here I'm Mark wanna come over to my place and hangout?" Mark said wiggling his eyebrows While also holding out his hand.

"You've known me for two seconds and you're already hitting on me?" She asked as she raised her eyebrows questionably.

"Don't mind him, I'm Derek. Um.. Shepherd, Derek Shepherd." He also held out his hand.

"It's fine I'm Meredith. Grey, Meredith Grey." She mocked and shook his hand.

"So um Meredith, are you new in town or just visiting?"He said, not letting go of her hand they just stared into each other's eyes. Her perfect green eyes.

"I um I'm new, me and my family just moved here from Seattle" she said she was dreading  moving but she thought 'maybe this won't be so bad'. I mean look at those baby blues.

"Oh that's nice I hope to see you around sometime," he really did want to see her more often he couldn't believe she was talking to him actually talking to him she was beautiful she was amazing she was Meredith.

"Well Shep we better get going" as he was not used to being ignored by girls.

"Yeah one sec," he turned to Meredith and said "Meredith, um.. there.. I uh have a baseball game tonight on the field behind the school and, um was wondering if you would want to come watch, I don't know if your even into baseball.. that was a stupid question but I did ask it and now I'm just going to shut up and go now bye" he said as he let go of her hand and picked up his bike and threw his leg over.

"I'll see you tonight Derek" she said as he got ready to go he looked at her and smiled his best smile and she waved back.

On his way home all he could think about was her... Her eyes. Her hair. Her perfect smile. Who am I kidding? She is perfect and she talked to me!!
So that is my first ever chapter on my first ever book. Please comment any ideas you have for this story :)

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