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Things were going so well. Everything was perfect. They had gotten ride of a pesky Beast. Everyone was being sorted. No one was missing. All that was left was one last Portal. Crowley walked over and Took out the Key. Turning it the Lid opened... But no body came out. Only a clump of Robes in the middle. Crowley bent over. There was no one inside. He was about to scuff at how unprofessional this was of the Mirror. Honestly Pulling Pranks at it's age when there was a small sound from inside.

"Ah he ahhh" Crowley turned and looked again. The Robes were moving. Crowley bent down and moved the hood, Two big eyes looked up at him. Short hair a little Pudgy face. They looked at him and a big toothless smile grinned at him.

'AHHAhahahaha!" Crowley blinked and picked them up. He wondered how such a Creature could have appeared here? The Mirror played Pranks but never took a baby from their Parents before.

"HeadMage?" Riddle asked. Crowley turned and had a sad look on his face. What had looked like a perfect Orientation was turning out to be the Exact opposite. 

"It seems there had been...an incident" Crowley stated. A few onlookers gasped at seeing the little one Chewing on Crowleys cap. Crowley frowned and took it from them. The poor child sniffed looking up at him.

"there there, None of that. It seems this Orientations is finished. Everyone return to your dorms" He said many nodded. some turned and watched as they were carted away by their HouseWardens. All but Diasomnia who looked everywhere not sure where to go.

"Oh... It seems I am late. How odd. I was sure the Orientation would go on for a bit longer. Well I was just checking in to see if he would come... I am sad to say he didn't" A Young looking Boy floated slightly above the ground looking around.

"Ah Lilia, Yes. it would seem once again the HouseWardens have forgotten to Invite Mr. Draconia... However the Orientation did seems to... have come to a conclusion" Lilia looked and his eyes widened.

"Oh! A little one!" Crowley nodded and looked to the New Diasomnia students.

"May I request you take them to their dorms? I must get this one home. They are far to young to be attending such a Prestigious college. " Lilia seemed to Pout a little before nodding. He took the Diasomnia students away. Once alone Crowley sighed and looked down at the little one. He held them close.

'I am sorry little one... But you are far to young to be here...We should send you home" He looked at the Dark Mirror and took a break.

'Oh Dark mirror of old, You must send this little one back home. " He looked down as the Baby held out their arms trying to grab at him. They giggled loudly.

'This child....Is already home..." Crowley snapped his head up.

"What! That is not possible this is a baby they-" The little sneezed. and if Crowley was not a Master Mage nore used to Magical outbursts his Mask would have been Severally burned.

"The Child no longer has a home...They were to powerful to be left unattended.... They are now home where they can be Nurtured and cared for correctly.." The mirror turned black and Crowley blinked and looked down. The baby shook their head and smiled brightly at Crowley. Crowley glared at the mirror.

"Now see here! This is not the place for them!!" But the Mirror did not turn back on. It stayed dark. Crowley sighed looking down at the Baby. Even after shooting the Fire at Crowley, He noticed that they were far to cold. Crowley put his forehead to the childs. Freezing! Crowley rushed out of the Mirror Chamber and to the Infirmary. His cape flying past him as he ran.

"HeadMage Crowley? What a surprise?" Crowley looked at the Purple clad man.

"Ezmer, I need you to quickly check this child. I believe they are quite sick" Ezmer Rushed over and looked at the child. He touched their cheeks and looked at Crowley.

Mages to Nannies (( Twisted Wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now