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Vil walked up the stairs to the Headmage's. He had heard that the little one was actually rather sweet. Walking into the Office he tried his best not to scrunch his face in Disgust. Was this small little area really the best they could do? Well atleast the Little Bat they were playing with was rather cute. He walked over and put a had to his cheek. They were adorable! Just a sweet face and they had Perfected the Doe eye stare! Crowley walked over and smiled handing Vil the Baby bag.

"Greetings Mr. Schoenhiet." Vil raised his head up and nodded.

"What should I know for their care?" Vil asked. It was always good to be Prepared. He needed to be sure their Diet was good and that they would be able Exercise. Stretch those little legs properly so they would have better Flexibility. His own Father had made sure to Stretch his legs and keep him healthy. 

"From what Mr. Viper has stated They tend to get Fussy around 3am. They aren't enjoying the Weekly changes. However they Brightened up after the HouseWarden Meetings. They have not been changed yet after lunch but they have Drank their Formula" Vil sighed. Wonderful. It was as if they didn't even consider these types of things. However he nodded and took the god offal bag from Crowley. He would change this out as soon as he could. Perhaps a nice purple or a Blue could be nice as well. Red was in many of the Dorm's color pallets. H

He walked over to the Little one and held back a soft sigh. They were so cute playing with their little Bat. Already sitting up as well. This was wonderful. They were still young to work on Dance and Posture however he would make sure to keep this in mind as they days continued. 

He was not disillusioned enough to not realize he would be taking care of this child this and the next year. Until the New HouseWardens could be established. Then it would be their duty. This child was now a Ward of Night Raven College. Thus they would be staying here.

"Hello sweetie" Yuu looked up and tilted their head. Vil had to keep his small burst inside. It would not do to let the world know his Weakness. Even if they were staring them right in the face. No he must keep his composure. Yuu smiled at Vil and held up their little Pink bat.

"Oh, Whom is this?" Yuu giggled and babbled. Well Vil would just have to work on getting them Talking soon. 

"Gawaga!" Vil gave them a soft smile and nodded.

"Quite a good name agree, Well we should be heading back soon. Shale we head home Yuu" Yuu giggled and held up their arms. He loved how Innocent children were. They always seemed to have a Unique beauty to them as well. Picking them Up Vil nodded to Crowley before heading out.

He was rather upset when he learned the poor dears past. To leave a child all alone in such a place. He was already planning on partnering with Azul to take those people down. Bit by Bit. Piece by Piece. 

Vil smiled as he closed the HeadMaged office door walking away. Rook would find him later. They were after all not stuck at the Hip as many thought. No Rook was his Vice HouseWarden. He would ofcourse help out and they were what one would think of as a Friend. However Vil had his own agenda and Rook had his.

"Well when we get back little one how about we get you out of these Dodgy clothes" Yuu giggled and nodded. Blinking Vil gave them a soft smile.

"Glad to see someone in this School has some Intelligence." Walking back Vil walked into his dorm. Many were walking around. Most were in Remedial classes for Etiquette However now that it was into the second month of Classes, Many were improving. One however could use more Improvement then others. Honestly that Little Potato needed the most Direction out of all of them. He just could not understand that Vil was trying to help him see that he was fine as he was.

Mages to Nannies (( Twisted Wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now