chapter six; why fall in love if I fall out?

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Can't see the good in all the bad
Can't make me happy when I'm sad
I blame the world
I'm a glass-half-empty kinda girl

I Blame the World - Sasha Alex Sloan


in between s01ep04 and s01ep05


"It's Addy. Not Addison." 


Addy sat across from Louise, who was watching the younger woman like a hawk, waiting for Addy to say anything, for her to break the silence that had fallen over them since the session started.

Not talking wasn't a strong point for Addy, as she liked to fill any silence, just chatting about whatever came to her mind. It was a nervous habit she developed somewhere along the line.

This nervous habit probably developed as a result of her having hated the silence that overwhelmed her childhood home.

It wasn't really a home, it was more a place for a young Addy to sleep, as she'd left when she was forced out for the final time. She never looked back, despite her mother begging for her to return.

"Roy's still paying you regardless?" Addy asked, breaking the silence.

Louise nodded.

"Smart." Addy commented, as her gaze fell to the tips of her shoes. A badly beaten up pair of Vans.

"Last week, I almost started drinking again. I was at the charity Gala with Roy, and I don't know..." she admitted, "I just wasn't doing that well, I guess."

"Worried about falling back into alcoholism?" Louise asked, as she jotted down some notes.

"I'm not an alcoholic," Addy said, admittedly a little too defensive for her own liking, "I know that's something that all alcoholics say, but I'm not one. I just struggled with moderation and I knew the path I was heading down was going to lead to becoming one."

"You'd seen the signs before?"

Addy sadly nodded, as she kept looking at her tattered grey Vans.

Louise nodded as she flicked by in the notes she'd made on Addy over the course of the past few months that they'd been having these sessions for.

"How did the training go?"

Addy nodded.

"Pretty good actually. I didn't train as often as I should have, and ran the 5k and then proceeded to vomit into a bin but that's neither here or there."

"Why don't you like your meds?"

Addy shrugged her shoulders.

"They fuck around too much with my energy levels. My old ones didn't used to." She admitted. "I wanna stick the trial, but ..." she trailed off.

"You don't think they're working." Louise asked, as she wrote something down in the notebook dedicated to Addy.

"I don't know. I don't take them consistent enough, so y'know user error does apply."

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