Extra Chapter 6 - For Life *Clean Version*

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Wizzy: It's been so hard trying to keep this one as a surprise. But this one here is really the last time. If you want to know what happens to them after this... then you'll have to read Atsumu's!

Here is the censored version. Enjoy!


When Bokuto had texted me, I'd rushed over. His words had been very worrying... simply saying he needed to talk to me. While I might be inexperienced when it came to relationships, even I knew that when your lover said that "We need to talk" it almost always meant a breakup was about to happen.

Immediately, I'd feared the worst... Things had seemed to be fine between us lately, but I knew that Bokuto had been wanting to take the next step with our relationship, while I simply hadn't been ready. I knew that bothered him a bit, but would that really be enough to make him want to end it? The thought alone was terrifying.

Upon arriving, Bokuto was on his front porch, sulking. His moodiness had chilled out a bit while he'd become a college student, but he was still Bokuto. Bokuto without his mood swings was incomprehensible...

I approached him slowly, worried about what he might say. "Hey... Koutaro?" Only recently had I decided to start calling him by his first name, though this was probably a weird time to say it to him for the first time.

He looked up at me, smiling slightly before patting the spot next to him. It wasn't like him to not be talking, but I sat down beside him anyway. Whatever was on his mind, I was about to find out.

We sat in silence for a moment before he finally spoke. "Haruo... He told me that owls mate for life..." I wasn't sure why he'd bring that up now. "When he told me that... I... I was really glad that you hadn't mated with Genma... I... I felt stupid too, for thinking that it would have been so cool at the time..."

Bokuto took my hand in his. "I... I'm not really good with words and all that..." His face scrunched up, a little frustrated. "I... I'm sorry that I keep getting all pushy sometimes... I can't help myself... I... I just want to show you how much I love you, that's all..."

When I'd heard from him before, I thought for sure that this was going to lead to a breakup... and now... now I wasn't so sure. Why was he apologizing? Maybe he did get a little pushy now and then, but I didn't see that as anything he should apologize for. "Koutaro, what's all this all of a sudden?"

"I... I kind of walked in on Akaashi and Miku having sex..." Bokuto gave a small chuckle. He seemed oddly okay with his best friend and his sister being together. "And.... I guess it got me thinking... I... I want us to be like that... I don't want you to be scared..."

He gave my hand a light squeeze. "If you get scared, then I have to hold back, and if I do that... I can't show you how much I actually love you..."

To be honest, I was having a hard time following his thought process. He wasn't easy to understand as it was, but whenever he tried talking about serious things, it was almost like he was trying to speak a foreign language.

"I... I don't..." I wasn't sure how to really how to say that I just didn't understand what it was that he was trying to get at.

Bokuto turned to face me and I froze in place. That look in his eyes... when he looked at me like that, I felt like jelly... like if he kept looking at me that way, I would melt into a helpless little puddle... and what was scarier was that I was okay with that. More than okay.

"Kisa..." He placed his free hand on my cheek, leaning in and kissing me sweetly. We've kissed countless times in the year that we've been together, but... this was something else entirely. If I didn't know better, I'd think that this was someone else and not my Bokuto. "I love you."

This wasn't the first time that he'd said it, but something about the way he said it made this time feel different. It was so sweet... so sensual... so... enchanting. It made me feel weak.

"K-Kou... people can see us out here...." As much as I loved this side of him, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed about being right out in the open. Like usual though, he had a fix for that... he took me by the hand and led me into the house.

His kisses were hot on my skin. I'm not even sure just how we got to this point anymore. One moment we were sitting outside talking and the next we were here, naked in his bed.

I didn't know what it was that had come over me, making me not feel afraid. It's not the first time I've seen him naked; there were two other times before this. Once when I was an owl and we'd shared a shower and then again when we were going to have sex for the first time...

Bokuto had stopped at that time, choosing not to take my virginity at that moment, even though I'd told him that he could. He told me later that I just looked so scared that he just couldn't do it... and I'm ashamed to say that I'd felt a bit relieved then.

As much as I feel like I should be scared right now, fear is the farthest thing from my mind. That's not to say that I'm not nervous... I know exactly where this is heading...

*** This part has been censored for my small number of non-perverted readers ***

If you had asked me before what I thought Bokuto would be like during sex, I'd have said that he would be wild... and rough. Possibly even dominating and saying the dirtiest things...

The way that he actually was, was far from that. Bokuto was gentle and sweet. Endless whispers of "I love you" and "You're so beautiful..." His fingers intertwined with mine and never let go for even a second, eyes locked onto mine. It was enough to make anyone's heart melt.

When he finally went still, his breaths were shaky. Bright golden eyes stared down at me; a love-drunk grin painting his face. Even now, he still hasn't let go of my hand. "Marry me."

I... misheard him, right? He couldn't have... "What...?"

Bokuto leaned down, resting his forehead on mine. "Marry me."

"You... but..." He couldn't possibly be serious...

"I mean it." There was nothing to suggest that it was a joke. That look in those bright eyes didn't waver for even a second. "I know you're supposed to be all romantic when you propose... and I don't have a ring or anything ... but..." He pressed a brief kiss to my lips. "I know that you're the one... and I want to spend the rest of my life with you... I'll even wait until you graduate. I'd rather marry you right here and now, but I know you'd probably want to wait and I don't want to force you or anything..."

Bokuto's lips brushed mine once more. "So... will you? Marry me?"

"Yes, yes I will." Now it was my turn to kiss him.

I don't know how serious he even is about this, but to spend the rest of my life with him would be a dream come true. If there's even an ounce of truth or sincerity to his proposal, then I'll gladly accept him... because I love him with all of my heart.

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