Chapter 1

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I sat up in my bed, sweat dripping off my brow and my chest heaving as if I had just beaten my personal best for a ten kilometre run. A groan escaped my lips when I glanced at my phone. Three-thirty. I'd only been asleep for an hour and was too on edge to think about trying to sleep.

The nightmare that woke me was an old one, but one that resurfaces when we were getting near my mother's killer. The dream forced me to relive the time vampires attacked my mother and me. To watch her die all over again. I still don't know how I avoided dying that night. No child of six should be able to avoid half a dozen vampires. But I did. Somehow. I hid long enough to hear the soft thunk of arrows landing in flesh, followed by the sounds of magic being cast.

A woman's voice called for me to leave my hiding spot. I peered out from behind a crate. A blonde woman and a dark-haired man crouched a few feet from me. Bodies littered the ground. A few had arrows sticking out. The woman smiled and extended her hand. A bow rested beside her. "You can come out now. They're dead and can't hurt you anymore."

I glanced at her, then at the man, and placed my hand in hers. The moment she pulled me into her arms and held me tight to her chest, I woke up screaming.

A pillow flew across the room, followed by a furious whisper. "I'm trying to sleep, Tami. Go for a run."

Crap, I'd woken Marie. I muttered a quick apology, then tossed the pillow back and climbed out of bed. The safe house was quiet. Most of the other warriors were out on patrol or sleeping. I grabbed my phone and moved into the lounge room. A chime sounded, announcing a message. It was from my brother.

Phil: Go back to bed Tami.

Me: Can't sleep.

Phil: Nightmares?

Me: Nothing I haven't had many times before. Where are you guys?

Phil: Madrid. Stop changing the subject.

I sighed. Phil had a way of knowing when I was awake after a nightmare. Although, it wasn't like that when we were children. That dubious honour belonged to Julian, his best friend and childhood playmate. When we were children, the three of us were inseparable. As with most things, the boys moved away in pursuit of their dreams when they became adults, and I saw less of them. Once I turned eighteen, my own life became so busy that I only kept in touch with Phil via text or email. Julian, I never heard from. Even though I guessed he was the one that knew when a nightmare had woken me and Phil was just covering for him.

Me: Tell him it was just one of the old nightmares. They appear when we get close.

Phil: How close?

Me: Grandpa thinks he's found the nest.

Phil: Again?

Me: Yeah. He's not taking any chances this time. He's having everyone meet at Eastbourne and only telling the absolute least number of people what the eventual destination is.

Phil: Grandpa knows what he's doing.

Me: I know. I wish it was over.

Phil: It will be. Now stop texting me and go for a run.

Me: If I hurry, I might get in a few kills. Love you.

Phil: Love you too. Be careful out there.

Me: Always.

I returned to the bedroom and changed into my running clothes. My outfit included a sleeveless jacket that had a hidden pocket just large enough for a dagger. After being attacked while out for a run towards the end of my training, I made sure I carried a weapon wherever I went. Although I had trained in unarmed combat since childhood, I felt more comfortable if I had it with me.

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