Chapter 2

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A week after baby Tyler was born, Chloe called me into her office. She held a piece of paper in her hand and looked at the writing on it. Her glazed expression told me she wasn't taking in much of what she read. She raised her head to look at me and stretched the hand holding the paper towards me. "I've been reading this for twenty minutes, but I still don't believe it."

I snatched the paper from her hand and read the results for myself. "Is there any chance it's wrong?"

Chloe shook her head. "None. Tyler's my nephew."

I gave her a sharp nod. "I'll take care of notifying your brother. You focus on caring for our tiniest warrior."

A brief smile graced her lips. "Thanks."

"I better go make the call."

I walked out of her office and headed for a quiet corner of the compound. This was one call I didn't want people overhearing. He answered within a few rings. "Hello, beautiful."

"Cut the crap, Brandon. I'm immune to your charms, and this is a serious call."

His voice deepened by half a notch, and I heard the warrior side of him take control. Whatever else I thought of him, I couldn't deny that Brandon was a superb warrior. I'd seen vampires leave a meal when he strolled around a corner. "Why? What's going on?"

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips as I pictured his reaction to the news. "You need to get your ass back here. Your son needs you."

Brandon's end of the call fell silent for a full minute. I struggled to remember the last time anything rendered him speechless. "My. Son? Did you say I have a son?" The phone amplified the hesitation in his voice. The news had come as a surprise. He didn't know that he had gotten Hayley pregnant.

"I did. DNA results came in half an hour ago."

"How's the mother?"

"You mean Hayley, right? I ran into her when her boyfriend tried to pound her into a pulp and kill her baby. Your baby."

For several moments, it was only the soft sound of his breathing that told me he was still there. When he spoke, his voice lacked his usual calm confidence. "She's okay though, right?"

"She's fine. I got to her before he did much damage. He's facing charges of assault with intent to cause harm and attempted murder of an unborn child. But that's in the court's hands now. Hayley's injuries were minor, but the beating triggered a premature labour. Your son was born a week ago."

"He's okay, right? No problems during the birth?"

A smile crossed my lips as I thought of the little fighter in a humidicrib next to his mother's bed. "The birth was touch and go for a while. The cord was around his neck so tight, Chloe had to cut the cord before he was out. Other than that, he's fine."

"What hospital is she in?"

"Ours. She's in the medical ward in the Brisbane compound. I haven't told her yet. About you or what the baby is. That is better coming from you, don't you agree?"

"I'll be there by morning." Brandon ended the call with an abruptness that made me smile. It appeared he had decided to step up and help raise his son.

Later that afternoon, my phone rang as I sat in Chloe's office, giving her an update on Tyler. His progress pleased me, and Hayley had adjusted well to being a mother. There were more changes she needed to make, but she would succeed. I glanced at the screen and smiled as I recognised the number. "Sorry, Chloe. I have to take this."

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