Chapter 7

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The afternoon was uneventful. Jared took me to Jakarta to work on my magic. Or rather, he ported there and left me to transform into a bird and fly there. I didn't mind. It felt good to stretch my wings. Marie could defend herself if needed, but the idea of leaving her without backup kept my feet on the ground. Just the thought of not reaching to her fast enough to prevent her from getting hurt caused my guts to tie themselves into knots.

The only thing I didn't like was I couldn't take on my preferred form of a currawong. Native to Australia, the black and white plumage would have stood out among the local birds. Instead, I took on the form of a peregrine falcon. Prior to Jakarta sinking beneath the waves, destruction of their habitat had led to the birds using the tops of buildings as nesting sites. Many still use the same roosts, feeding off the smaller waterfowl that replaced rats and pigeons when the city drowned.

It was a shock to see the former capital city stand ghost-like, its buildings drowning under several feet of water. My memories were fuzzy. I had been weeks away from my sixth birthday when my mother had taken me to Indonesia for a holiday. What I remember was a city that was bustling. There were so many people, cars, bicycles, tuk-tuks, and other forms of transport. To a child, it was a place of wonder, a chaotic maelstrom of life. My mother didn't see it the same way. She was often on edge, especially in the poorer areas of the city. I didn't see any of the dangers she saw. Just streets full of children to play with, market stalls covered with the most amazing foods, strange artwork and so many things I hadn't seen before.

As an adult, I still see the same sights, smells and sounds whenever I visit a new city. But I also see the hidden dangers. The blind alleys, the hidden corners, the dark streets. Places that could hide an enemy as easily as a friend. I understand the dangers of my world now.

Jared had a sad smile as he waited for me on top of a small skyscraper. Just ten stories high, water stretched up to the bottom of the second floor. The thing that unnerved me the most was the quiet. Only the lap of waves against the building and the calls of seabirds broke the silence. I landed on the rooftop and changed back into human form.

"Nice choice. Peregrines have taken over this area. You blended in until you got close enough to land." His smile brightened, and he winked as he stepped to his left. "I have a surprise for you."

I gasped as I saw the blonde woman who appeared from the stairwell behind him. Helene held out her arms, and I ran to her, tears running down my cheeks. She wrapped her arms around me, and I heard the warmth in her voice. "You've grown into a stunning young woman, Tami. I'm glad you found your people."

"Thanks to you. If you hadn't saved me, I'd be just another dead child that the world forgot."

"But that didn't happen."

"No, it didn't. And now I have the chance to make sure this sucker kills no more women or children."

"As long as he doesn't kill you first. There are few things in our world that are more dangerous than a master." She gave a soft snort. "If I didn't know that this was something you needed to do, I'd be putting your backside on a plane back to Australia."

Helene gave a deep sigh and grabbed two long poles from a large bag at her feet. She tossed one to me and I saw it for what it was. An Amazon training staff. I raised my eyebrows as I pieced everything together. Jared smirked at me as I shot him a glare that promised retribution later. "You're going to train me?"

Helene nodded. "You have reached the age where if you were an Amazon, you would take part in a Great Hunt. You would hunt a dangerous foe and make it your first kill. My people have claimed you as one of our own, so we will join you on this hunt. Few would choose a master. They are too dangerous. But it is your choice. So my only option is to do what I can to help you prepare. Who knows? I may even teach you a few tricks known only to my people." Her eyes flicked towards Jared, and her brow creased into a frown. "You may be a death sage, Jared, but our laws forbid you from witnessing this training."

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