You Bring Me A Bloody Heart Chapter 9

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It may have been one hell of a walk from home to the Blue Velvet Cafe, I couldn't care less about the steps I make, although one thing is still making me want to get to Cameron Frost even if it is in the starting of school, I managed to get to him in time before the bus came along to his address in the city. As it turns out, he lives next to the Blue Velvet Cafe since it is one of those small houses that can be found in the downtown city of Chicago. It isn't as luxurious as the others, the tiles are not polished white but faded with some darker grays in depth, the door and the windows on both sides of the building have black colored windows, the front patio has some pretty lilac plants growing very slowly, the patio tables and chairs are a shade of dark blue or indigo, with folded light blue and white patterned umbrellas attached to the center of the tables.

I looked at the door as I saw someone move the sign to 'We're Closed' as I found the guy that I was looking for. Finally... face to face like young men.

As Cameron locked the door to the cafe, his dark green denim shaded backpack shone from the sun, giving it a bright lime green scaly detail that shines from the sunlight. Cameron wears a white t-shirt that looks like it has some rips at the waist edges, he wears long light blue jeans with some tears at the ankles and above his knees, he wears a grayish turquoise blue with white sole sneakers, his short wavy dark brown hair is being blown by a gentle cool breeze, as the direction is going through his hair like he's some young handsome model. Cameron turned around towards me with eye contact, his brown eyes met my blue eyes yet he thought what am I doing here at this time? He stands up to five point six as I am just one inch taller than him, he weighs around a hundred and forty two since he's been working out a lot by being in a wrestling team.

"Can I help you?" Cameron asked me in a short paused moment between us, even though I don't know how to explain this to him since we don't talk to each other. I didn't think about how I was going to get him to trust me or be close to me.

I have to think clearly with a plan but without one right now? I have to do some quick thinking, don't I?

"Was hoping to get some breakfast here rather than at school," I said.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, everyone is heading to school or parents at work" Cameron said as he started to walk right past me without bumping his left shoulder against mine. I keep on feeling like everyone just wants to shove their shoulders against mine in some painful way, some habits I need to break...

"Right..." I sighed.

Still I need to figure out a plan to get him close to me and keep him interested.

"Maybe...we could hang out together sometime after school?" I asked as I walked up right next to him, as he used another key to lock the patio railing to the front door.

Cameron stood up, laid his hands on the black coated railing...his eyes that I haven't noticed before, it looks like he hasn't slept well last night and I can already tell that he experienced something. Maybe the same thing that I have been through as well.

"I don't know, Nick..." Cameron paused then walked away towards the waiting school bus, but I was still sticking right next to him since we both go to the same school, it was a piece of cake to calculate that.

"Come on, I'm tired of being in a small group, I'm worried about them but at the same time...feels like I need to find some new friends or something" I said as I was trying to talk to him like a normal person...even if he and I have different lifestyles.

Cameron stopped in place and turned around to face me.

"First of all, I don't know what you want, not sure what you need but in a way, maybe I do, maybe I don't...second of all, I'm sorry for what you've been through, that whole trial, looked like it was quite a mess..." Cameron paused again as he was thinking.

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